Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services have limited availability over the holiday period. The Tenants' Union will operate a Tenancy Advice Hotline from Wednesday 18/12/2024 until Wednesday 8/1/2025 (excluding weekends and public holidays). The hours of operation are 10am-1pm and 2-5pm.

Get advice on: (02) 8117 3750 or 1800 251 101


Tenants' Union news

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For factsheets and sample letters, please see Tenancy info.


Change Management: Social Housing Management Transfers Program Best Practice Report

Change management report graphic
Between October 2018 and September 2019 the management of more than 14,000 public housing tenancies across nine geographical regions of NSW was transferred from the management of the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS, now the Department of Communities and Justice or DCJ) to ten Community Housing Providers under contracts which last for twenty years. Since affected tenants had no voice or choice in the design or implementation of this program the Tenants’ Union has undertaken the vital task of observing and reviewing its implementation through the lens of tenants’ experience. This report focusses on the experiences of tenants during the transfer period and in the months following transfer.
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New report finds investment in social housing is critical to Australia’s post-COVID-19 economic recovery  

Three initiatives are critical to Australia’s post COVID-19 economic recovery, a new report finds: build additional social and affordable housing stock across NSW; repair old social housing stock; and rapidly acquire properties in the private market to find a permanent solution for rough sleepers and others in temporary/crisis accommodation.
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NSW Parliament passes extra emergency measures: what this means for renters

stylised city skyline with virus particles in the sky
On Tuesday and Wednesday this week NSW Parliament considered a number of measures that might provide further support for NSW renters during the COVID-19 pandemic. While not all of the measures we were hoping to see got passed, there were a couple of small wins. So, what did renters get?
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Further support needed for renters in NSW

buildings with covid shapes hovering in the sky
The current COVID-19 health crisis has impacted everyone in our community. For many renters the challenge of losing a job and reduced household income, or other financial and health impact, has been particularly acute. Many face losing their rented homes. We need to support households to navigate through health crises limiting financial and health impacts as much as possible, ensuring as much as we can that everyone is able to stay safe in their homes - during this immediate crisis, and in the longer term.
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Rent Reduction Calculator

Text reads "COVID-19 RENT REDUCTION CALCULATOR" with doodle images of houses, dollars and virus particles
We are proud to make this calculator available to people in NSW looking at negotiating rents. It's an unfamiliar process for many people, and it can be tricky working out what you can afford to agree to or what offer you should make! This calculator lets you put in a range of information about your rent and income situation and then allows you to check what different scenarios of reduction look like over time.
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Support for JobSeeker claimants

Welfare Rights Centre
The Welfare Rights Centre has launched a campaign to let new JobSeeker claimants know that help and support are available. If you are struggling with a Centrelink decision about your JobSeeker claim or another social security matter, you can call the specialist lawyers at Welfare Rights Centre for free legal assistance.
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Rent affordability in COVID-19: Anglicare report

Cover of Anglicare Affordability snapshot
Today Anglicare released the latest version of its Affordability Snapshot which looks at the number of available and affordable properties for people on low incomes.
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Being evicted? Can you share your story or photo?

Kings Cross
Although there is a moratorium on evictions in NSW, it won't stop all evictions for all renters. Now more than ever, it's important to share your story. If you are facing eviction and you are willing to speak publicly, please get in touch.
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The NSW evictions moratorium: an explainer

Wooden cut out of house, small piles of coins placed beside the cut out.
Yesterday (15 April) the measures announced by the NSW Government on Monday to support renters kicked into gear. This means NSW now has implemented a 6 month moratorium on evictions, but it’s complicated. It doesn't cover all evictions, or all renters. This blog post tries to answer some of your immediate questions. Who exactly does the moratorium cover? How will it work in practice? And what about the rent?
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Are evictions stopped in NSW? Yes. But...

A stop on evictions! But...
From Wednesday 15th April the NSW Evictions Moratorium came into effect. So there is a stop on evictions, at least for 60 days – but not on all evictions and not for all people. For more detail, read our series of resources covering the eviction moratorium, rent and other issues during the COVID-19 crisis.
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