Please note: Tenancy laws are changing – more detail here. The new laws have passed parliament but are not yet in force. Some of the legal information on this page may soon change – we will update it as soon as possible.


Last updated December 2024


Law for Community Workers: ‘Til the violence ends – Domestic violence and tenancy


In this episode of the Law for Community Workers podcast, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch at Legal Aid NSW speaks with Lehana De Silva, solicitor Aboriginal Support at the Tenants’ Union of NSW. They discuss what you can do if you are experiencing domestic and family or sexual violence and you want to leave a tenancy. There is useful information in this episode about how community workers can support people who are experiencing domestic and family violence.

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Renting Bytes logo

Renting Bytes! 

Renting Bytes is a podcast for tenants in NSW, produced by the Tenants' Union of NSW. We aim to break down renting into "byte-sized" chunks, offering practical tips to understand your rights and make your renting life easier to navigate. We will feature guests from the across the network of Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services and beyond.




Episode 4 – Bond


The Tenants' Union chats with Grace Crowley-Shaw, Tenant Advocate at the Eastern Area Tenants' Service about Bond. Grace explains the purpose of bond, gives us some tips on getting your bond back and what you can do if the landlord makes a claim against your bond.


Episode 3 – Mouldy tenancies


The Tenants' Union asks Ned Cooke, solicitor and team leader of the Inner Sydney Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service, your questions about mould in tenancy. The audio for this episode was taken from a Q&A session live-streamed to facebook as part of our 'Mould on my mind' day of action, within the Make Renting Fair campaign. 


Episode 2 – NCAT: Your questions answered


This podcast was produced using audio from our 2022 Law Week panel discussion hosted by Leo Patterson Ross. The session is designed for renters who may need to go to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) but are unsure what to expect or how to prepare their case. Panellists discuss what tenants can do to prepare for the Tribunal, what to expect at each stage of the process, as well as some tips for renters who will be representing themselves at the Tribunal.


Episode 1 – Negotiation for renters


We chat about negotiation with Julia Murray, an Advocate from the New England and Western Tenants Advice Service. We discuss how to prepare for a negotiation, what to expect and ways renters could go about negotiating with a landlord or real estate agent.



Renting Matters

Renting Matters


Renting Matters was a series of podcasts produced by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Legal Aid NSW. The series was part of Legal Aid NSW's Law for Community Workers on the go – which keeps community workers up-to-date with legal topics and changes to the law – and has clocked up over 69 episodes with 23,000 downloads and counting. 

Renting Matters features tenants and workers from across the Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service Network, the Tenants' Union and the community sector. In a relaxed, conversational style, guests share anecdotes, information and tips designed for busy people. We would love you to listen and subscribe via your preferred podcast platform, and share the podcast with friends and colleagues!




Episode 8b) Tenants facing additional barriers, part 2

This episode discusses additional barriers faced by people with disability and tenants experiencing racial discrimination. Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch at Legal Aid NSW speaks to Cathy from Side By Side Advocacy Inc about tenancy and housing problems experienced by people living with a disability. She also speaks to Alison from Redfern Legal Centre’s Housing Service about a case she ran for a client with a disability who was at risk of homelessness. Finally Bridget speaks to Justin from Marrickville Legal Centre about a client he helped who had been experiencing discrimination and vilification in his tenancy.

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Episode 8a) Tenants facing additional barriers, part 1


In this episode, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch at Legal Aid NSW speaks to two international students about the challenges they faced with their tenancies during the first phase of the Covid19 pandemic and other challenges they have faced in the rental housing market. Bridget speaks to Sanjaya and Chaitra.

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Episode 7) Nothing private about this house


In this episode, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch at Legal Aid NSW speaks to guests about social housing – what is it and how is it different to living in a private rental the laws that apply and where to get help if you have a problem. Bridget speaks to Lehana, Tenants' Union Solicitor – Aboriginal Support. Bridget also speaks to Arthur about his experiences living in social housing over many years. There is useful information in this episode about how community workers can help clients in these living situations.

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Episode 6) Full house


In this episode, “Full house”, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch speaks to guests about living in share houses or boarding house, the laws that apply and where to get help if you have a problem. Bridget speaks to Amanda, Solicitor in Redfern Legal Centre’s Tenancy and Housing Service. Bridget also speaks to Beverly, Chair of the Older Women’s Network, about whether these living arrangements work for older women.

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Extra episode c) Residential Land Lease Communities following a disaster


This extra episode in our series gives information to land lease community residents. Residential land lease communities were hit hard by the recent floods, as many are built on low-lying, flood-prone land. Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch speaks to Paul Smyth, Tenants’ Union land lease communities solicitor.

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Extra episode b) Tenants' rights and obligations after a disaster


This extra episode in our series gives information to tenants who have experienced a disaster. In this episode, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch at Legal Aid NSW, who also lives in Lismore NSW, speaks to Brendan Ross, Coordinator of the Northern Rivers Tenants Advice & Advocacy Service and to Grant Arbuthnot, Principal Solicitor of the Tenants’ Union of NSW.

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Extra episode a) – Don't make me leave


In this episode, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch at Legal Aid NSW speaks to Eloise, Advocacy Officer at the Tenants’ Union about what tenants can do if their lease is about to end and they want to stay in their tenancy.  

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Episode 5) When you own the house but not the land


In this episode, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch at Legal Aid NSW speaks to guests about life in a Residential Land Lease Community in NSW.  Bridget speaks to Paul, Land Lease Communities Solicitor and Julie, Land Lease Communities Officer at the Tenants’ Union about the laws governing these communities and the work they do helping residents across NSW. Bridget also speaks to Kim, a long term resident in a Land Lease Community, about her life and experiences there. 

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Episode 4) Hit the road Jack


This episode is all about landlords ending tenancies. We hear from Amanda Brooker and Alison Mackey (Solicitors working in the Housing and Tenancy service at Redfern Legal Centre) and Justin Abi-Daher (Assistant Principal Solicitor at Marrickville Legal Centre) about the issues tenants experience when a landlord ends their tenancy. Justin, Alison and Amanda explain when a tenant must leave after they receive a notice of termination.

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Episode 3) Get me outta here


In this episode, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch of Legal Aid NSW speaks to guests about the different circumstances in which tenants leave a tenancy. Bridget speaks to Amanda, a Tenants’ Advocate with the Northern Rivers Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service (NORTAAS) about these situations, including leaving because of domestic violence. We also hear from Jemima, Policy and Advocacy Coordinator with the Tenants' Union who talks about getting your bond back. There is useful information in this episode about how community workers can support clients leaving because of domestic violence and for other reasons.

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Episode 2) Cracks emerge


In this episode, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch of Legal Aid NSW explores problems that arise during a tenancy, including issues about privacy; access to the property by the landlord or agent; repairs; security and utilities. We speak to Olivia, a Tenants’ Advocate with the Tenants' Union, about the sorts of issues people call the Tenants' Union and other tenancy services about once they are in a tenancy. We also speak to Merrilyn, who volunteers on the Tenants' Union advice line and who also works supporting clients with disabilities, including supporting them to maintain their tenancies when problems arise. There is useful information in this episode about how community workers can help clients address issues that arise during a tenancy.

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Episode 1) Getting a Foot in the Door


In the first episode, Getting A Foot in the Door, Bridget from the Community Legal Education Branch of Legal Aid NSW explores applying for a new tenancy in NSW. Bridget speaks to Grant Arbuthnot, Principal Solicitor of the Tenants’ Union, about things to look out for when you are starting a tenancy. We also speak to Amity, a tenant in Sydney who has been renting for many years and has some great tips about looking for a new place to rent. There is useful information in this episode about how community workers can help clients looking for a new place to live.

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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


New Renters Kit