Make Renting Fair



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What does your home mean to you... comfort, security, shelter? Now ask yourself, how would you feel if you were told you had to leave and never told why?

One way you can contribute to the Make Renting Fair campaign is by sharing your story.

For the 2 million+ renters in NSW our rental property is our home.

Currently if you rent your home in NSW you can be evicted without being given a reason. This means renters can – and do – get kicked out for things like asking for basic repairs or questioning a steep increase in the rent. Or simply because their landlord doesn’t like them. It also means many renters live in fear of losing their home and just don’t ask for their legislated rights like maintenance or repairs to be carried out.

When someone is evicted it hurts the whole community. Communities lose neighbours and friends. They lose workers, volunteers, community members – the local footie coach, the coordinator at the Council community garden, their kids’ best friends.

When someone is evicted there is always a reason. We want to make sure it’s a good one.

Join us in calling for a change to tenancy law so that when someone is evicted there is always a good reason… and a real opportunity to challenge the eviction when there is not.

It’s time things changed. Let’s make renting fair.

Find out more on the Make Renting Fair website.