Housing affordability – news and analysis


Title reads: What did we learn about Rent Bidding? with an image of a magnifying glass overlaid on a copy of a government report.

What did we learn about Rent Bidding?

NSW Fair Trading have released their report Bidding in the NSW Rental Market - Analysis and Regulatory Insights where they investigated rental market bidding behaviour in the past 10 years. Our…
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A silouette of a renter at a window

‘It’s disgusting that they can get away with this’: here’s how eviction can affect tenants’ lives

For people relying on rental properties to keep a roof over their heads, there are few things more scary than the possibility of being evicted from their home. This research examines the…
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Selwyn st boarders and renter supporters

Residents and supporters unite to fight boarding house eviction

A group of boarding house residents in Selwyn St Paddington is being told to leave to make way for unaffordable housing. Neighbours in their community and supporters have mounted an admirable…
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Tenants' Union submission

Submission: NSW Homelessness Strategy 2025-2035

The NSW housing system, and in particular the private rental market, has failed to ensure everyone has access to safe, secure, affordable housing. This failure increases both the risk of…
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Homes and roofs with a magnifying glass

Rent Tracker Research Project

The Tenants' Union Rent Tracker Research Project aims to give tenants, researchers, journalists, and others a clear way to understand rent movements in NSW. Our tools use data published by…
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Tenants' Union submission

Submission: Homes for NSW Discussion Paper

We hope to see the Homes for NSW plan set out a shared vision, one that imagines and clearly sets a path towards better outcomes for people seeking social housing and homelessness assistance in…
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Tenancy laws are changing!

Tenancy laws are changing in NSW

We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The reforms cap rent increases at once yearly, and will end no-grounds…
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Survey: Homes NSW 10-year plan

Have your say on future of Homes NSW

Have your say about the future of public and community housing in NSW!
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Press conference

Annual Report 2023-2024

Housing continues to dominate political debate at all levels of government. We're proud of the work we've done, but also look towards the work still to be completed. Check out our 2023…
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Tenant Advocates and supporters

Standing Together for Housing Justice

Tenant Advocates and supporters came together to celebrate 30 years of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program, and stand for housing justice.
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Image shows a magnifying glass examining coins with a question mark overlaid. Text in a box reads "Commonwealth Rent Assistance is increasing - what does that mean?

A closer look at Rent Assistance increases

The Federal Budget's most notable announcement for renters was an increase in rent assistance, but a closer look reveals it may not be as generous as it seems. Starting in September, the…
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Joey and supporters

It's not a house. It's a home.

In a huge victory following a long-fought legal battle, Tenants' Union client Mr Charles Joseph Warren has won the right to stay in his home.
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit