The NSW Government is offering some financial assistance for people affected by the weather events over the weekend. We have compiled some information on the ones that might apply to you and…
The NSW housing system, and in particular the private rental market, has failed to ensure everyone has access to safe, secure, affordable housing. This failure increases both the risk of…
We hope to see the Homes for NSW plan set out a shared vision, one that imagines and clearly sets a path towards better outcomes for people seeking social housing and homelessness assistance in…
The Federal Budget's most notable announcement for renters was an increase in rent assistance, but a closer look reveals it may not be as generous as it seems. Starting in September, the…
The Commonwealth Government has announced that households will receive $300 in 2024/2025 to help with increasing electricity costs. Some households will automatically receive this payment off…
Renting can be tricky to navigate, especially if you are new to renting in New South Wales or haven’t rented for a while. The Tenants’ Union of NSW has made this kit to help renters put the…
Aboriginal housing activism in New South Wales has a 135 year history. This report from the Tenants’ Union of NSW documents this history from the dispossession of land and housing at the…
The NSW Council of Social Services (NCOSS) has launched their Cost of Living in NSW 2023 survey. The Cost of Living in NSW project seeks to get a better understanding of the impact of cost-of-…
We are in the midst of a rental crisis. Renters are struggling to cope with soaring rents, lack of homes, massive energy bills, and the threat of eviction. That’s why the Tenants’ Union and the…
The Tenants’ Union is happy to announce that we have five new factsheets available in Easy Read. Easy Read is a way to present information for people with low literacy or learning disability.
These factsheets have information about your rights as a tenant in New South Wales. The information is accessible and easy to understand. The factsheets were made by the Tenants' Union and…
Many renters are struggling to afford the rent during the current housing crisis in NSW. However, paying rent is a fundamental obligation of the tenancy agreement. Not paying your rent puts you…