Transfers and relocations – news and analysis


'Putting Renters on the Map' with a map of NSW and photos of renters

Putting Renters on the Map

We are in the midst of a rental crisis. Renters are struggling to cope with soaring rents, lack of homes, massive energy bills, and the threat of eviction. That’s why the Tenants’ Union and the…
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Action for Public Housing protest against redevelopment of Glebe estates

Examining claims about the social objectives of estate renewal

As the NSW Government moves to implementing its decision to redevelop the Waterloo Estate, the social objectives claimed for the redevelopment and what is needed to deliver them becomes a focus…
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Public housing community garden

Public and community housing – Relocations, Transfers, and Renewal

This page contains resources relating to public and community housing renewal, and transfers of housing stock from public to community providers.
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Pic of new housing - neighbourhoods, social housing possibly renewal

Promise of a big spend on social housing: Did the NSW budget deliver?

In early October NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet in an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald suggested social and affordable housing would be a priority in the November NSW budget. In this…
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Change management report graphic

Change Management: Social Housing Management Transfers Program Best Practice Report

Between October 2018 and September 2019 the management of more than 14,000 public housing tenancies across nine geographical regions of NSW was transferred from the management of the Department…
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'Change Management' on a brick background

Social Housing Management Transfers Program: Best Practice Report – Tenants' Experience

This report focusses on the experiences of tenants during the transfer period and in the months following the transfer with the aim of identifying practices and policies that have impacted…
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Mary and Amanda

Advocating for independent living

Recently, the Northern Rivers Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service was able to assist a tenant to maintain her independent living. The tenant lives in social housing, in a modest three…
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Jane Bennett Lower Fort Street

Millers Point: through the looking glass

Robert Mowbray reflects on the forced relocation of public housing tenants from Millers Point. He collects a selection of posts that report and discuss on the events and issues.
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Public housing transfers

Public Housing Transfers

In October 2018, FACS Housing commenced their program of ‘whole of location’ transfers to Community Housing Providers with a group of just under one thousand tenancies in the Shoalhaven District…
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Tenants' Union of NSW

Tenancy rights for residents of group homes: consultation forums

The NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Ageing, Disability & Home Care is transferring the management of group homes to the non-government sector. As a result of this change,…
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Brian with his dog Ruby in their apartment

#WeLiveHere community action

#WeLiveHere2017 was a community action led by local residents of Redfern Waterloo. Coloured lights lit up the two social housing tower blocks in Waterloo – Matavai and Turanga – that have…
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Paddi O'Leary in front of a jacaranda tree.

From Millers Point to Glebe

Paddi O’Leary was a tenant in social housing at Millers Point and participated in tenant action to reverse the policy of relocation and also supported tenants through the process of relocation.…
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