DCJ Housing – news and analysis


Tenants' Union submission

Submission: NSW Homelessness Strategy 2025-2035

The NSW housing system, and in particular the private rental market, has failed to ensure everyone has access to safe, secure, affordable housing. This failure increases both the risk of…
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Tenants' Union submission

Submission: Homes for NSW Discussion Paper

We hope to see the Homes for NSW plan set out a shared vision, one that imagines and clearly sets a path towards better outcomes for people seeking social housing and homelessness assistance in…
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Photo by Nikolas Gannon via Unsplash

Brave renewal world for social housing in NSW

After a decade of practices involving selling off publicly owned properties to finance maintenance of the remaining stock, this significant increase in investment and shift in how government…
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Text reads: People who rent in public and community housing need safe, secure homes. Backdrop is Waterloo mosaic in front of community garden.

Joint statement: People who rent in public and community housing need safe, secure homes

Today twenty-five plus organisations, Tenants Advice and Advocacy services and community legal centres across New South Wales, published a joint statement demanding urgent action to ensure safe…
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Artwork by Luke Penrith

NCAT Aboriginal Tenancy List

In September 2023, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) introduced a fortnightly Aboriginal Tenancy List in its Consumer and Commercial Division. The List is available for tenants…
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photograph taken from ground level looking to the sky. picture is dominated by cloudy blue sky, with three buildings in construction in the lower third of view.

Housing Australia, the Accord and other ways the government wants to boost supply of housing.

Re-joining the Tenants’ Union allowed me to jump back into the details of the ongoing housing and rental crisis in Australia and NSW and investigate the mechanisms recently put in place by the…
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"A good home is not a luxury, it is essential." Text on blue background. House roofs (four) at bottom of page.

Submission: The Housing and Homelessness Plan

This submission provides comment on the Housing and Homelessness Plan Issues Paper. People require not just basic shelter but a good home to live a safe, healthy and dignified life. Adequate…
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woman hanging a sign saying 'home sweet home'

National 9 Principles for Strengthening Renters' Rights

The National Association of Renters' Organisations has just released a new report, The National Nine: Principles for Strengthening Renters' Rights. The Principles are: Stability,…
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Artwork by Luke Penrith with boomerangs representing houses

Aboriginal Housing and Housing Activism in NSW

Aboriginal housing activism in New South Wales has a 135 year history. This report from the Tenants’ Union of NSW documents this history from the dispossession of land and housing at the…
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'Putting Renters on the Map' with a map of NSW and photos of renters

Putting Renters on the Map

We are in the midst of a rental crisis. Renters are struggling to cope with soaring rents, lack of homes, massive energy bills, and the threat of eviction. That’s why the Tenants’ Union and the…
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Heat map re evictions

Who is using the Tribunal and why?

We are always trying to better understand what is happening for NSW renters. We want to make sure we can identify the problems and pressures renters are experiencing, as well as whether the…
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Action for Public Housing protest against redevelopment of Glebe estates

Examining claims about the social objectives of estate renewal

As the NSW Government moves to implementing its decision to redevelop the Waterloo Estate, the social objectives claimed for the redevelopment and what is needed to deliver them becomes a focus…
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit