The NSW housing system, and in particular the private rental market, has failed to ensure everyone has access to safe, secure, affordable housing. This failure increases both the risk of…
We hope to see the Homes for NSW plan set out a shared vision, one that imagines and clearly sets a path towards better outcomes for people seeking social housing and homelessness assistance in…
The structure of tenancy regulation in NSW is predominantly one of regulated contracts, with the Tribunal the site for resolution of contractual disputes. Necessarily then, the Tribunal needs to…
Housing continues to dominate political debate at all levels of government. We're proud of the work we've done, but also look towards the work still to be completed. Check out our 2023…
In September 2023, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) introduced a fortnightly Aboriginal Tenancy List in its Consumer and Commercial Division. The List is available for tenants…
Media Release - Australia’s first People’s Commission into the Housing Crisis is set to begin today -Thursday 23 May. The Commission provides a platform convened by housing campaign Everybody’s…
Do you have a multicultural background and have rented in NSW in the last 5 years? Help researchers understand your unique experience to get better solutions by filling out a quick survey.
Re-joining the Tenants’ Union allowed me to jump back into the details of the ongoing housing and rental crisis in Australia and NSW and investigate the mechanisms recently put in place by the…
The annual TAAS Conference took place last month in Birpai Country, Port Macquarie. The theme of the conference was 'Nurture and Grow' – to evoke the approach we seek to take with…
It will be no surprise that the housing crisis in NSW has dominated the Tenants' Union's work this year. Read about our work in our 2022-2023 Annual Report.
Join the team working for housing justice!
A part-time Paralegal is required to join the legal practice of the Centre working to address housing legal issues for and with Aboriginal…