Personal stories


A silouette of a renter at a window

‘It’s disgusting that they can get away with this’: here’s how eviction can affect tenants’ lives

For people relying on rental properties to keep a roof over their heads, there are few things more scary than the possibility of being evicted from their home. This research examines the…
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Selwyn st boarders and renter supporters

Residents and supporters unite to fight boarding house eviction

A group of boarding house residents in Selwyn St Paddington is being told to leave to make way for unaffordable housing. Neighbours in their community and supporters have mounted an admirable…
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Bob Morris, land lease community resident

Land lease community resident presented with Community Service Award

Land lease community resident Bob Morris was presented with a community service award for his work as an advocate lobbying for legal protections for vulnerable members of the community, most…
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Press conference

Annual Report 2023-2024

Housing continues to dominate political debate at all levels of government. We're proud of the work we've done, but also look towards the work still to be completed. Check out our 2023…
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Outasite – land lease communities magazine

In September, the Tenants' Union published issue 12 of Outasite – our print publication for land lease communities. Over 6,000 copies were delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW…
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Spotlight on Noleen Robinson

Noleen Robinson has been living in a land lease community in Lake Macquarie for over 24 years and has been a resident advocate for nearly the same amount of time. Noleen is a long term member of…
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GUBU - Grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre & unprecedented

In this column we invite you to share grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre and unprecedented (GUBU) goings-on in land lease communities in NSW.
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Joey and supporters

It's not a house. It's a home.

In a huge victory following a long-fought legal battle, Tenants' Union client Mr Charles Joseph Warren has won the right to stay in his home.
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renters speaking to the media

Renters and supporters celebrate announcement of 'no grounds' ban

After decades of campaigning by renters, community supporters and housing policy experts, the NSW Government is introducing new legislation to end no-grounds evictions. The Tenants' Union…
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Text card reads Tenants' Union of NSW Media Release

MEDIA RELEASE: Tenants' Union of NSW Celebrates Government Action to End ‘No Grounds’ Evictions

The Tenants' Union of NSW applauds the government's announcement they are poised to end ‘no grounds’ evictions. This pivotal and long awaited reform ensures that all renters will be…
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Smiling residents giving a thumbs up

Outasite – land lease communities magazine

The Tenants' Union has just published issue 11 of Outasite – our print publication for land lease communities. It has been delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW.
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Greg smiling

Big win for Woronora residents

Nestled along the banks of the Woronora River lies Woronora Village Tourist Park, a small community that was established in 1956. In recent years, this community has been under threat due to…
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit