As a home owner in a residential land lease community you have rights under the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 and Residential (Land Lease) Communities Regulation 2015. This…
In our September 2016 issue of Outasite Lite (an electronic publication sent out by email) we explored electricity charges and the laws and regulations that govern them. Since publishing the…
Julie Foreman, Tenants' Union of NSW Executive Officer reflects on the TU's 40 years of working for tenants rights and housing justice. She introduces a compilation of stories which…
Electricity charges in land lease communities are a hot issue for home owners. Prices continue to rise and, when home owners purchase electricity from the operator, the charges are complex and…
You can use this sample letter when you are being asked to pay water charges in your rented property but you are aware that there are not water efficiency devices fitted in your home.
You can use this sample letter when you are being asked to pay water charges in your rented property but you are aware that there is not a seperate meter for your property.