The long-running dispute over electricity charges in land lease communities continues. Just over 12 months ago we became aware of, and reported on, operators relinquishing their right to on-sell…
At the end of 2020 the NSW Government released the Discussion Paper on the Statutory Review of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013. Individuals and organisations were invited to…
Many Outasite readers will know the name Margaret Reckless. She is the home owner whose name was given to the method to calculate electricity charges for home owners on embedded electricity…
A number of land lease communities were impacted by the floods in the Mid North Coast in March 2021. Some homes in those communities were significantly damaged by flood waters, leaving home…
The list of issues surrounding the interaction of local councils and local government regulations with land lease community operators and home owners is long. To bring some of these issues into…
The Independent Park Residents Action Group began to take shape in 2013 when twenty-two home owners’ representatives travelled to the Central Coast for an urgent meeting. The meeting was…
Allan and Lynn Reece are home owners and age pensioners. They live in a land lease community called Emerald Tiki Village Caravan Park at Anna Bay in NSW. In early June, 2017 the Reece’s met Mr…
A challenge to an age restriction rule has failed and new home owners and their occupants must be over 55 years of age despite the community being a holiday park marketed at families with young…
The NSW Government has introduced financial incentives that can be claimed by landlords who provide a rent reduction to tenants impacted by COVID-19 during this period. If you are an ‘impacted…
VALE JOHN MANT, 1936-2021: The tenants of New South Wales owe a big thankyou to John Mant who died on 10 July, aged 84. He left a legacy still in the making, especially in the field of urban…