Strong communities – news and analysis


Google earth image of Sydney including public housing, private housing and commercial buildings

Balancing tenure security and mobility for productivity

Yesterday we submitted our thoughts in response to the NSW Productivity Commission discussion paper "Kickstarting the productivity conversation". We recommended a shift to land tax,…
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Sector welcomes important reforms to tenancy laws to further protect victims-survivors of domestic violence

We welcome the passing today of important legislation to improve the safety of domestic violence victims-survivors renting in NSW. Today’s Bill strengthens reforms which commenced in February…
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Submission: Kickstarting the productivity conversation

The Tenants' Union of NSW is pleased to make this contribution to the conversation initiated by the NSW Productivity Commission. We are chiefly interested in the experience of people who…
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Submission: Boarding Houses Act 2012 review

The New South Wales Boarding Houses Act 2012 has now been in operation for six years. We consider the introduction of the Boarding Houses Act to have been a significant step, but very much a…
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Submission: Federal inquiry into the Adequacy of Newstart and Related Payments

The work of the Tenants' Union, and that of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services we work alongside, brings us into frequent contact with very low, low and moderate income households who…
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Tenant Advocates at the Network Meeting

No Bang for your Bond!

This is the initial response from Tenants' Union of NSW, resourcing body for 19 NSW-based Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Services, to the release of funding agreements from 2019-2022 for NSW…
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Jo Hibbert

Reflections of a Blue Mountains Tenant Advocate

Jo Hibbert has been a Tenant Advocate at the Blue Mountains Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service for seven years. Now she’s retiring for a well-earned break, so we took the opportunity to ask…
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Gaye and Barry Sanders

Fairness prevails

Good news stories seem to be few and far between in land lease communities, so Barry Sanders, of Terrigal Waters Village, thinks we should share positive outcomes and acknowledge those times…
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Volunteers Merrilyn and Tina

Thank you to our volunteers!

Merrilyn and Tina are two of the Tenants' Union Monday Advice Line volunteers. From rent increases, social housing, evictions and sharehousing, our volunteers explain the laws and systems…
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Election Guide cover with houses and ballot boxes

A tenant’s guide to the NSW Election 2019

This guide is intended as educational information regarding the NSW Election to be held on 23rd March 2019. We acknowledge the tenants of NSW hold diverse political views and support this…
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Jane Bennett Lower Fort Street

Millers Point: through the looking glass

Robert Mowbray reflects on the forced relocation of public housing tenants from Millers Point. He collects a selection of posts that report and discuss on the events and issues.
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Public housing transfers

Public Housing Transfers

In October 2018, FACS Housing commenced their program of ‘whole of location’ transfers to Community Housing Providers with a group of just under one thousand tenancies in the Shoalhaven District…
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


Renting Bytes podcast