Climate change is not new. Scientists have been monitoring the effects of increased carbon in our atmosphere, and the reduction of greenhouse gases has been a well publicised global issue since…
This infosheet has tips to help if you need to negotiate with a landlord or real estate agent. We all negotiate at times, but it can be challenging to negotiate with a landlord. Tenants are…
Many renters are already doing it tough, and getting a rent increase adds to the burden. If you want to negotiate with the landlord/agent, these tools can help.
Everyone needs a home. Housing is the basis from which we ensure our communities’ well-being. This is not simply about the material, physical and structural protections housing provides, but…
The National Association of Tenants' Organisations (NATO) recently wrote to all parties and independent candidates inviting them to respond to our Federal Election Questionnaire. We invited…
Listen now! Renting Bytes and Renting Matters are podcasts produced by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Legal Aid NSW. We aim to help renters and community workers understand tenancy law and…
The Tenants' Union brief comments on the Waterloo South proposal are informed by both our understanding of the inadequacies of our current housing system in delivering safe, affordable…
Maggie has lived in an Affordable Housing apartment with their partner and children for three-and-a-half years. They're about to move out, into a property they'll be privately renting…
Are you on the waiting list for social housing in NSW, Queensland or Tasmania? If so, researchers in a new project would like to learn more about what life is like as you wait for a social…
Many vulnerable tenants were in crisis well before the pandemic and will continue to face personal crises into the future. A crisis should not have to make the world stage before our most…