The work of the Tenants' Union, and that of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services we work alongside, brings us into frequent contact with very low, low and moderate income households who…
The Civil and Administrative Tribunal has been operating for more than 5 years! In that time hundreds of thousands of tenancy, social housing, residential land lease communities and boarding…
This guide is intended as educational information regarding the NSW Election to be held on 23rd March 2019. We acknowledge the tenants of NSW hold diverse political views and support this…
This report by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Marrickville Legal Centre explores the impacts of no grounds evictions. The Tenants' Union of NSW recommends ending no grounds evictions,…
Rita Wilkinson is the Tenancy and Financial Inclusion Manager at Metro Assist, and the Coordinator of the Southern Sydney Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service. This interview was originally…
Public policy relating to renting and tenancy is typically approached through two competing conceptions: consumer protection and human rights - are we regulating an economic exchange or ensuring…
David Bott’s long-running battle in the Tribunal shone a light on a serious issue which public housing tenants know all too well: the systematic failure of FACS to do necessary repairs. After 14…
The Tenants' Union is pleased to respond to the NSW Government’s Issues Paper on Protections for Residents of Long Term Supported Group Accommodation in NSW. By raising a number of…
The New South Wales Boarding Houses Act 2012 has now been in operation for five years. To assist in the review of the Boarding Houses Act 2012 this report assesses the Act on its own merits. For…
The NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Ageing, Disability & Home Care is transferring the management of group homes to the non-government sector. As a result of this change,…
This interview introduces Jamie Love, who recently started as Coordinator of the Western Aboriginal Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service (WATAAS). In the interview, Jamie talks about the…
Brett Webb is an Aboriginal Tenant Advocate at the Northern Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service. In this interview he speaks about his experiences and day-to-day work.