Aboriginal housing activism in New South Wales has a 135 year history. This report from the Tenants’ Union of NSW documents this history from the dispossession of land and housing at the…
Discrimination pervades many areas of trans people’s lives, including in relation to housing. All people need and deserve a safe, secure, affordable place to call home, but all too often trans…
A special exhibition at Customs House showcased the top entries from our renter's photo competition. The exhibition gave renters’ a platform to share their stories directly with other…
Over the last few months we were delighted to host a statewide competition and exhibition of renters' photography. We were thrilled with the number and quality of entries we received on all…
Today the NSW Liberals and Nationals joined NSW Labor and the NSW Greens and committed to ending 'no grounds' evictions for periodic (or rolling) tenancies. This means we really have a…
We are in the midst of a rental crisis. Renters are struggling to cope with soaring rents, lack of homes, massive energy bills, and the threat of eviction. That’s why the Tenants’ Union and the…
The NSW Government has just closed a 6-week consultation on keeping pets in rental homes. In addition to the Tenants' Union's policy submission, we created a Make Renting Fair campaign…
In producing this submission, the Tenants' Union of NSW consulted closely with advocates from the statewide network of Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Services and drew on their experiences…
A rental is not just a landlord’s investment property, it’s a person or family’s home. Renters should have the same rights as owner-occupiers to make simple choices to make the house they live…
This is a submission compiled of the contributions, stories and views from over 75 renters, collected via a survey on the Tenants’ Union of NSW website, through Tenants’ Union of NSW and Make…
Evicted! is a new comedy about renting in Sydney. The film won the audience award for best feature at the 2022 Sydney Film Festival. It follows a ragtag bunch of millennial housemates who get…
Residents of a land lease community in western metropolitan Sydney have been forced to do battle over the quality of their drinking water. They have been concerned for a considerable period of…