This is the initial response from Tenants' Union of NSW, resourcing body for 19 NSW-based Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Services, to the release of funding agreements from 2019-2022 for NSW…
Jo Hibbert has been a Tenant Advocate at the Blue Mountains Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service for seven years. Now she’s retiring for a well-earned break, so we took the opportunity to ask…
Chris Maybin has been a Tenant Advocate with VERTO South West Tenants’ Advice Service for 17 years. Now she's moving on, but in this interview she gives some of her thoughts and reflections…
Theresa May’s government in the UK has shown that supporting a fairer, balanced renting system is possible for conservative governments. Last week May and Housing Minister James Brokenshire…
This guide is intended as educational information regarding the NSW Election to be held on 23rd March 2019. We acknowledge the tenants of NSW hold diverse political views and support this…
This report by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Marrickville Legal Centre explores the impacts of no grounds evictions. The Tenants' Union of NSW recommends ending no grounds evictions,…
Robert Mowbray reflects on the forced relocation of public housing tenants from Millers Point. He collects a selection of posts that report and discuss on the events and issues.
With the sale of the final two terrace houses on Saturday, 3 November 2018, Property NSW announced the end of the Millers Point sales program. Announcement of the successful tender for the sale…
In order to raise awareness about homelessness, the WSCLC tenancy team WESTS ran a stall in Centenary Square, Parramatta for Homelessness Week on August 6. Tenant Advocates Miriam, Rachael, Fern…
The Tenants' Union of NSW made this submission to the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation's Easy and Transparent Trading consultation process.
In this submission, the Tenants' Union supports the intent of the consultation paper to improve transparency and consumer choice, but warns that neither of the current proposals will…
Yesterday Minister Goward announced Rent Choice Assist – this is a private rental subsidy that can support people at risk of homelessness to maintain their rentals with assistance for up to…