This is a story about Gretta, a boarding house resident. She has lived in two boarding houses. The first she liked very much as it included a communal living area as well as shared facilities.…
Parental rejection and family violence based on gender identity have been cited as causes of homelessness for young trans people in Australia. The insecurity of homelessness can in turn have…
"Fleeing an abusive relationship was the most frightening experience of my life. By the time we fled, it was already a game of life or death. Leaving often angers the abuser even more and…
The Tenants’ Union is pleased to provide this response to NSW Fair Trading’s discussion paper for the statutory review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. This contribution forms part of our…
NSW Fair Trading is currently reviewing the Residential Tenancies Act, and has released a discussion paper to gauge community views. Renters say the law should deliver greater stability,…
On March 19th 2014 the O'Farrell Government announced the proposed sale of 293 public housing properties in Millers Point and the Rocks. Now, just over 18 months later, Dr Robert Mowbray…
The Tenants’ Union submission regarding the repeal of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1899, set out the following three concerns: the repeal will add to red tape and regulatory burden; the Act has…
The Tenants' Union welcomes the present discussion of social housing in NSW. We are convinced that the discussion must go further, and consider the social housing sector in the context of…
Early in 2014 the Tenants’ Union conducted a short online survey on Housing Affordability to gauge tenants' experiences and expectations of renting. 580 tenants responded. The most striking…
This submission has two purposes. First, it reviews the current state and recent history of the housing market, with particular attention to the huge inflation in house prices over the past two…
Proposed changes to the legislation are aimed at reducing bureaucratic burdens on Local Aboriginal Land Council’s (LALC) and the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC). The Tenants' Union is…
The Housing Payment Deduction Scheme would allow, in two circumstances, public housing authorities (‘public housing lessors’) to request the deduction of monies from the social security payments…