Research: Survey Report – Affordable housing and the NSW rental market


Early in 2014 the Tenants’ Union conducted a short online survey on Housing Affordability to gauge tenants' experiences and expectations of renting. 580 tenants responded. The most striking thing the survey shows is how worried tenants are – particularly in circumstances they cannot control or where choices are restricted. Most express satisfaction with their current housing, but it is a satisfaction formed in a tightly constrained space: they see few or no other options in the housing market (not in owner-occupation, or in rental), and they put up with problems and with lacklustre rates of responsiveness from landlords.

Some stand-out figures include:

  • 57% of respondents identified the high cost of home ownership as a key reason for renting.
  • 77% have put up with a problem because they were worried about adverse consequences if they asked to get it fixed.
  • 79% have moved at least once in the last five years.
  • Over 70% in the private market are paying more than a third of their income in rent.
  • 64% of respondents said they worry about paying the rent.