Please note: Tenancy laws are changing – more detail here. The new laws have passed parliament but are not yet in force. Some of the legal information on this page may soon change – we will update it as soon as possible.

Inspection times for selling the premises

You can use this sample letter when the landlord or their agent has informed you that the premises are for sale. If they have not asked you for inspection times, or you disagree with the times they have asked for, you can use this letter to negotiate times.

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].

[Your name and address]


[Landlord’s or agent’s name and address]

Dear …

Re: Inspection times for selling the premises [your address]

I am writing to arrange appropriate access times, for inspection by prospective buyers of my rental premises. While I am happy to co-operate with you, I am sure you understand my need for peace comfort and privacy.

Section 53(4) of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 states that I am not required to agree to more than 2 inspections per week.

The following times would be convenient for inspections to take place:

-  [Saturdays from 10am to 12 noon
-  Wednesdays from 5pm to 6pm].

If you require access outside of the above times, please contact me on [phone number] [during work hours] to arrange a suitable time.

Yours sincerely

[T Tenant]