Please note: Tenancy laws are changing – more detail here. The new laws have passed parliament but are not yet in force. Some of the legal information on this page may soon change – we will update it as soon as possible.

Repayment Plan Agreement

This is a template repayment plan for any arrears accrued under your tenancy agreement. To use this template: insert the relevant details in the parts marked [with square brackets], replacing the bold text. Sign the agreement and give it to your landlord/agent to sign. Keep a copy for yourself. See Factsheet 05: Overdue rent and contact your local Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service if you need further advice.

Updated April 2021

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].


Regarding the Residential Tenancies agreement between the Parties

Landlord: [Full name]
Tenant/s: [Full name/s]
Premises: [Address]
Fixed term (if any) to: [Fixed Term end date]
Contract rent [$Rent] per week

The tenants net household income has been relevantly adversely affected by COVID-19 for the purposes of the COVID-19 Recovery Act 2021 (NSW). Therefore, the parties have negotiated the following repayment plan for rent arrears to sustain the tenancy and its benefits to both parties.

1.    This agreement made today [date] covers the period:

Start date:  [insert date]
End date:   [insert date]                                                             (the agreement period)

2.    This agreement concerns a debt of  [$Debt] for the above tenancy, accrued during the period [insert date] to [insert date]. The debt of [$Debt] comprises the following amounts:   

Rent arrears:
(If applicable)
Water usages charge arrears:
(If applicable)
Utility charges:
(If applicable)

3.    The debt of [$Debt] is to be repaid at the rate of [$Payment] per week for [Number of] weeks from the Start date. Thus, amount payable per week during the agreement period is
 [$Rent+$Payment = $Total Weekly Payment]

4.    The Parties shall review this agreement monthly from today in the light of their changed circumstances (if any).

[Tenants name]


[Landlord/Agent name]
