Tenants' Union news

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Local Government Regulations finally getting a refresh

The NSW Government is undertaking a review of the Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2021. The Tenants’ Union has referred to an urgent need to update these regulations in past articles in Outasite.
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Pam and Don
The Tenants’ Union of NSW and the Residential Communities Forum members were saddened to learn of the death of Pam Meatheringham and Don Rose in late 2023.
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GUBU - Grotesque, Unbelievable, Bizarre and Unprecedented

This is a new column where we invite you to share grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre and unprecedented (GUBU) goings on in land lease communities in New South Wales.
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What does the NSW budget 2024-25 mean for renters

text reads 2024-2025 NSW budget; what does it mean for renters?
The Tenants' Union of NSW has dived into today's NSW budget announcements, looking for the key measures that will significantly impact renters. These are our initial thoughts, we will add to this page as we gather more detail!
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NCAT Aboriginal Tenancy List

Artwork by Luke Penrith
In September 2023, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) introduced a fortnightly Aboriginal Tenancy List in its Consumer and Commercial Division. The List is available for tenants and landlords who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
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Where are we at with ending ‘no grounds’ evictions? An update

Picture in background - parliamentary committee meeting room at NSW Parliament. Text in front reads: 'whare are we at with ending no grounds evictions: An update'
In this short blog update we share recent news on the rental reform front - Jenny Leong, Housing Spokesperson for the NSW Greens' private member bill to ban "no-grounds" evictions (Residential Tenancies Amendment (Prohibiting No Grounds Evictions) Bill 2024) was recently referred to a Select Committee for inquiry and report. The Committee must report back by September 20, 2024. It is unlikely we will see the NSW Government introduce their own rental reform bill addressing ‘no grounds’ evictions until the Committee has tabled its report and recommendations. 
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Tenants' Union mourns with family and residents in Whalan

image is black and white with a bouquet of flowers lying on the ground and aerial image of damage from a house. Highlighted text overlay reads "We mourn with Jasmin Mhey's family and with the tenants of Whalan."  Smaller text overlay at bottom reads "Explosion in Western Sydney suburb where one third of community live in public housing."
​The Tenants’ Union of NSW is deeply saddened to hear of the explosion in public housing at Waikanda Crescent in Whalan over the weekend, and the passing of Mhey Yumol Jasmin. Read more
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Breaking – Minister introduces Residential (Land Lease) Communities Amendment Bill

Anoulack Chantivong
On 14 May, the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading Anoulack Chanthivong MP introduced into NSW Parliament a Bill to amend the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013.
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NSW Rental Reforms in the Spotlight

Alarm clock with 'time to end no grounds' written on clock face
This week in Parliament, we have seen steps taken towards addressing the pressing need for rental reform in New South Wales.
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NSW Renters' Forums: Your chance to share what renting should look like

image of two storey house in background, text reads Renters' Forums Sydney
Against the backdrop of a crippling housing crisis, we are often asked about what we struggle with most, not necessarily what our renting aspirations are. Our woes are given more attention than our hopes.
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