Tenants' Union news

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NCAT Experience Survey

Banner Preview Image Text Reads "Have you disputed a case at NCAT? Take survey here!"
This survey is for renters who have been involved in a case at the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Your responses will help to inform the Tenants' Union's feedback to the Tribunal.
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Standing Together for Housing Justice

Tenant Advocates and supporters
Tenant Advocates and supporters came together to celebrate 30 years of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program, and stand for housing justice.
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Outasite – land lease communities magazine

In September, the Tenants' Union published issue 12 of Outasite – our print publication for land lease communities. Over 6,000 copies were delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW. This issue included...
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Spotlight on Noleen Robinson

Noleen Robinson has been living in a land lease community in Lake Macquarie for over 24 years and has been a resident advocate for nearly the same amount of time. Noleen is a long term member of the Residential Land Lease Communities Forum and we thought it was high time we did a spotlight on her.
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Residential Land Lease Community Laws Get Updated

On 25th September 2024 the laws governing residential land lease communities changed. These changes are the first phase of the 48 recommendations that came out of the 5 year statutory review of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 (RLLC Act). These reforms are the result of many years of advocacy and law reform engagement by residents and supporters.
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Improved rights for tenants

tenants speaking to the media
Tenants across New South Wales, including those living in land lease communities, will soon have greater security of tenure. The NSW Labor Government announced in August 2024 that they will end ‘no grounds’ eviction notices for all tenants with residential tenancy agreements.
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GUBU - Grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre & unprecedented

In this column we invite you to share grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre and unprecedented (GUBU) goings-on in land lease communities in NSW.
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A closer look at Rent Assistance increases

Image shows a magnifying glass examining coins with a question mark overlaid. Text in a box reads "Commonwealth Rent Assistance is increasing - what does that mean?
The Federal Budget's most notable announcement for renters was an increase in rent assistance, but a closer look reveals it may not be as generous as it seems. Starting in September, the maximum rate for rent assistance will increase by 10%. However, eligibility criteria remain unchanged, leaving many renters without the support they need.
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What does mortgages data tell us about the impact of rental reform on investment?

A graph showing minimal change to new mortgage annual growth following no grounds being removed in Vic
Whenever reforms to introduce regulations and strengthen rights for renters are proposed, it’s not long before articles appear quoting property developers, investment groups, and real estate lobbyists who argue that such changes will harm investment. We look at the data...
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Brave renewal world for social housing in NSW

Photo by Nikolas Gannon via Unsplash
After a decade of practices involving selling off publicly owned properties to finance maintenance of the remaining stock, this significant increase in investment and shift in how government invests signals a brave new approach to the renewal of social housing in NSW.
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