NSW Rental Reforms in the Spotlight


Community Urges Further Action on Housing Crisis

This week in Parliament, we have seen steps taken towards addressing the pressing need for rental reform in New South Wales. Yesterday, Emma Hurst of the Animal Justice Party introduced a Private Members Bill aimed at making renting laws more pet-friendly. Today, the Legislative Assembly will debate a Private Members Bill, introduced by Jenny Leong of the NSW Greens, which seeks to replace existing provisions allowing landlords to evict renters without a reason ('no grounds' evictions) with a number of new, appropriate, reasonable grounds for termination.

These discussions come at a critical time for NSW renters, as highlighted by our recently published report on the impact of unfair evictions, A Constant Worry and recent polling on proposed rental reform commissioned by the Tenants' Union of NSW. The polling indicated overwhelming support for rental law reform, particularly the introduction of a requirement for reasonable grounds to end any tenancy. The community is looking to the NSW Government to deliver on its election commitments to make renting fairer.

While we acknowledge the NSW Government’s commitments to rental reforms and the consultation undertaken on reforms so far, we have not yet seen a Government Bill. Given the challenges faced by renters, including the financial strain, housing insecurity, and significant wellbeing impacts of ‘no grounds’ evictions, the promised rental reforms must be a priority for the NSW Government.

We ask all Parliamentarians to take action to address these issues or confirm how and when they will deliver their commitment to a fair renting system. All renters should be able to make simple choices - such as whether or not they can have pets - to make their rental property feel like home. Everyone deserves to know why they are being asked to leave their rented home and the reason be genuine and justified.

Leo Patterson Ross, CEO, Tenants’ Union of NSW:

“Fair rental regulation, such as these reforms, have been demonstrated time and again to have no negative impact on the availability of homes. They will begin to ease tensions between tenants, landlords, and agents through creating a more balanced and transparent relationship.

The Government has had appropriate time to consult and develop a Bill. The evidence base around its positive effects is in and support in the community is strong. The reforms are compatible with the Government's other priorities in housing. It is time for renting in NSW to step in to the 21st Century.”



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