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Survey on rental racism

Multicultural family
Do you have a multicultural background and have rented in NSW in the last 5 years? Help researchers understand your unique experience to get better solutions by filling out a quick survey. 
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Time to end the trauma of no grounds evictions

Person riding a bike past a poster with the words 'time to end no grounds evictions'
Renters asked to leave their home for no reason tell us the impact of these evictions is severe. Responses from renter to our our recent survey make it clear that having the rug of relative housing safely pulled from under your feet by a ‘no grounds’ eviction notice causes real distress, even leading to anxiety episodes and bouts of depression.
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Tell decision makers to end unfair evictions for all renters now!

time to end no grounds
We know that NSW Government decision-makers are currently considering rental reforms – can you email them and tell them to end no-grounds for all renters now? The government needs to end no-grounds now, for all renters – including those on fixed-terms. 
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Roaches in your rental – to leave or not to leave

No-one should have to live with roaches! They are gross. But hating roaches and the existence of roaches in the property might not be a good enough legal reason to end a tenancy without having to pay compensation to the landlord for leaving the contract early.
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Housing Australia, the Accord and other ways the government wants to boost supply of housing.

photograph taken from ground level looking to the sky. picture is dominated by cloudy blue sky, with three buildings in construction in the lower third of view.
Re-joining the Tenants’ Union allowed me to jump back into the details of the ongoing housing and rental crisis in Australia and NSW and investigate the mechanisms recently put in place by the federal government to help abate it. Out of the many schemes in play, some may assist with boosting the supply of social and 'Affordable' housing. To what extent? That remains to be seen...
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New Year, New NSW Renting Laws Resolutions: A three-point kickstart plan for better renting in 2024!

List of NSW renting law 'to dos' on post it notes for 2024 resolutions
It's that time again, when we all make resolutions. If NSW renting laws are looking at making some changes (and they should!) here are three key priorities that should be at the top of their resolution list to get them started heading towards a brighter and fairer renting future.
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Rents and migration – what does the data tell us?

scatter graph
There has been a resurgence in the last couple of weeks, amplified by the Federal government, that pulling back migration numbers will lead to some easing of pressure on our renting system. We thought we should have a look at the evidence in NSW
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The season for empathy – for renters too

a montage of articles about real estate agent christmas messages
Over the last week, the annual tradition of a real estate agent sending out an email warning their renters not to fall behind in rent over Chistmas was continued, this time by an agency in VIC. Every year real estate agents send these messages out, but after this year of record rent rises it is a particularly insensitive move.
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Tenant Advocates – Nurture and Grow

Tenant Advocates
The annual TAAS Conference took place last month in Birpai Country, Port Macquarie. The theme of the conference was 'Nurture and Grow' – to evoke the approach we seek to take with clients, renters' rights and knowledge, and our own skills. Over 100 Tenant Advocates from across NSW gathered to learn and connect. The conference is organised by the Tenants' Union of NSW, and this was the largest face-to-face conference we have ever delivered.
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Tenants' Union supports 'Housing is a Human Right: National Day of Action'

Housing is a human right painted on yellow wall in public street
The Tenants' Union of NSW supports the upcoming event, 'Housing is a Human Right: National Day of Action.' It's inspiring to see renters across Australia getting together to address the problems within our current housing system. This community organising is a powerful testament to the shared belief that everyone deserves a safe, stable, and secure home.
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