Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services have limited availability over the holiday period. The Tenants' Union will operate a Tenancy Advice Hotline from Wednesday 18/12/2024 until Wednesday 8/1/2025 (excluding weekends and public holidays). The hours of operation are 10am-1pm and 2-5pm.

Get advice on: (02) 8117 3750 or 1800 251 101

State Government – news and analysis



Briefing: Further supports required for renters during COVID-19 health crisis

This briefing provides an overview of the basic framework of the NSW Evictions Moratorium implemented through the Residential Tenancies Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020. We welcome the…
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Wooden cut out of house, small piles of coins placed beside the cut out.

The NSW evictions moratorium: an explainer

Yesterday (15 April) the measures announced by the NSW Government on Monday to support renters kicked into gear. This means NSW now has implemented a 6 month moratorium on evictions, but it’s…
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Submission: Kickstarting the productivity conversation

The Tenants' Union of NSW is pleased to make this contribution to the conversation initiated by the NSW Productivity Commission. We are chiefly interested in the experience of people who…
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Tenant Advocates at the Network Meeting

No Bang for your Bond!

This is the initial response from Tenants' Union of NSW, resourcing body for 19 NSW-based Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Services, to the release of funding agreements from 2019-2022 for NSW…
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Submission: Residential Tenancies Regulation 2019

The Tenants' Union made this submission to the Residential Tenancies Regulation 2019 Consultation. For this submission, the Tenants' Union consulted heavily with the advocates of the…
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Submission: Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 Statutory Review

The Tenants' Union of NSW and the network of Tenant Advocates who we train, resource and support have assisted tens of thousands of tenants in all predecessor Tribunals since the…
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Theresa May shows Gladys the way on eviction reform

Theresa May shows Gladys the way on eviction reform

Theresa May’s government in the UK has shown that supporting a fairer, balanced renting system is possible for conservative governments. Last week May and Housing Minister James Brokenshire…
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A tenant's guide to the NSW Election 2019

A tenant's guide to the NSW election 2019

We asked all the political parties 10 key questions about housing in NSW. This guide compiles their answers and compares key tenant demographics for each electorate. Addressing the state’s…
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Election Guide cover with houses and ballot boxes

A tenant’s guide to the NSW Election 2019

This guide is intended as educational information regarding the NSW Election to be held on 23rd March 2019. We acknowledge the tenants of NSW hold diverse political views and support this…
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Domestic Violence Amendments to Residential Tenancies Act

New domestic violence provisions start today

Changes to domestic violence provisions in the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 have now come into effect. The changes, passed by NSW Parliament in November last year, improve the protections for…
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Nine news CGI of a manila folder and paper reading "outlaw no-fault evictions. opposed"

Media Release: Government should commit to action to end unfair 'no grounds' evictions

Revelations that key cabinet ministers who are also landlords failed to excuse themselves from debate on ending unfair 'no grounds' evictions despite having clear conflicts of interest…
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Submission: Better Business Reforms Implementation Options Paper

This Tenants' Union submission is concerned with items related to uncollected goods, utility agreements in strata schemes and the repeal of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1899.
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