Everyone deserves a safe home. Tenancy law can help victim-survivors of domestic violence in a number of ways. This factsheet summarises the options for tenants who are victim-survivors of…
As a tenant you have rights under the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 and Residential Tenancies Regulation 2019. This factsheet summarises the law in NSW about repairs and maintenance for your…
Robyn Stafford lives in Minto, a suburb in south western Sydney. She has experience as a tenant who has been through a redevelopment process in public housing. She has been active in working…
In this piece, boarding house resident Alison Jolly tells her story: "The housing situation for older single women like me (I’m 61) can be difficult unless they own their own home. Many of…
"It’s so hard to find rental accommodation that is in any way decent. I watch the papers all the time and have my name with lots of agents, but they don’t care. You should see some of the…
Indigo Dunphy is a 20 year old queer person who, at the time of interviewing, was living in a share house with another queer woman and two straight men. She has a girlfriend who stayed over…
This is a story about Gretta, a boarding house resident. She has lived in two boarding houses. The first she liked very much as it included a communal living area as well as shared facilities.…
Parental rejection and family violence based on gender identity have been cited as causes of homelessness for young trans people in Australia. The insecurity of homelessness can in turn have…
The Tenants’ Union is pleased to provide this response to NSW Fair Trading’s discussion paper for the statutory review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. This contribution forms part of our…
In our submission to the NSW Legislative Council inquiry into elder abuse, the Tenants' Union argues that elder abuse is more than an action between two people with unequal power in a…
The Tenants' Union welcomes the present discussion of social housing in NSW. We are convinced that the discussion must go further, and consider the social housing sector in the context of…
In this briefing, the Tenants' Union recommends that Residual Current Devices (RCDs) should be required to be installed in all dwellings. This requirement should be implemented along the…