Health – news and analysis


Graphic of a family in a house, wearing masks, virus outside

We need to talk about the landlord

We don’t only need to talk about the relationship between tenants and landlords – we also need to talk about the landlords themselves. A key flaw exposed through the response to COVID‑19 is the…
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Graphic of a family in a house, wearing masks, virus outside

No grounds for limiting reform under COVID-19

Jemima Mowbray looks at the problems renters have faced during COVID‑19, and shows that they are not new or necessarily distinct from the ongoing issues renting households were already facing.…
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Graphic of people in a house, wearing masks, virus outside

Responding to tenancy issues under COVID‑19

The Tenants' Union is attempting to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on tenants, within the limitations we have. In NSW we are already hearing from tenants that landlords have been…
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A mother and child sitting on a couch. The mother is wearing a face mask.

Tenancy services needed now more than ever

Pamela Hunter, Community Services Manager at VERTO, writes: "Tenancy, and renting in general, became very popular subjects at the beginning of the pandemic but they seem to have slipped…
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Covid-19 community language factsheet

COVID-19 factsheet in 7 community languages

The Tenants' Union has published a basic factsheet in 7 community languages summarising renters rights under COVID-19 regulations. The factsheet has information on paying rent, evictions,…
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Tall apartment building with 'Our home' on the side

Tenants need to be listened to: community support – not heavy-handed policing

On the weekend over 3,000 public housing tenants in Melbourne were put into an immediate enforced lockdown by the VIC government due to a spike in COVID-19 in the area. Others in the community…
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Submission to the United Nations: COVID-19 and the right to housing in Australia

This submission to the UN on Covid-19 and the right to housing in Australia focuses on New South Wales.
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National Association of Tenants' Organisations' Submission to Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 inquiry into the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

This submission provides background relating to the Australian housing system and private rental sector, and how this interacts with the public health imperatives and restrictions, as well as…
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Submission: Inquiry into Homelessness

In this submissions we focus on the insufficient protections and supports provided for people who rent their homes, particularly in the private rental market. We outline a range of policy and…
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buildings with covid shapes hovering in the sky

Further support needed for renters in NSW

The current COVID-19 health crisis has impacted everyone in our community. For many renters the challenge of losing a job and reduced household income, or other financial and health impact, has…
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Briefing: Further supports required for renters during COVID-19 health crisis

This briefing provides an overview of the basic framework of the NSW Evictions Moratorium implemented through the Residential Tenancies Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020. We welcome the…
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Picture reading "Tenancy law changes: new rules for renting in NSW from 23 March..."

Important changes to rental laws – 23 March 2020

Important changes to tenancy law have come into effect as of 23 March 2020. These changes affect anyone renting a property in NSW (including people who rent both home and site in residential…
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit