Health – news and analysis


Home, two feet at a door mat that reads 'home' leading in to a house

The insecurity and uncertainty of renting: 'A constant exercise in weighing up options.'

At the recent Briefing on Healthy Homes for Renters held at NSW Parliament on 13 October 2022, Sarah* shared her experience renting her home. Though a lawyer and academic researcher, Sarah…
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Group of housemates

Evicted! Comedy about renting in Sydney

Evicted! is a new comedy about renting in Sydney. The film won the audience award for best feature at the 2022 Sydney Film Festival. It follows a ragtag bunch of millennial housemates who get…
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specimen jars showing dirty water

Residents battle for clean water

Residents of a land lease community in western metropolitan Sydney have been forced to do battle over the quality of their drinking water. They have been concerned for a considerable period of…
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the entrance to sweetwater grove

Emergency services vehicle access

This article highlights the importance of operator compliance with all requirements under the Residential Land Lease Communities Act 2013 (RLLC Act). Operators are required under the RLLC Act to…
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Easy Read cover showing three people with arms raised

Easy Read factsheets

These factsheets have information about your rights as a tenant in New South Wales. The information is accessible and easy to understand. The factsheets were made by the Tenants' Union and…
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Submission: Inquiry into Homelessness among older people aged over 55 in NSW

Everyone needs a home. Housing is the basis from which we ensure our communities’ well-being. This is not simply about the material, physical and structural protections housing provides, but…
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Dollar sign

Financial assistance for renters

Many renters are struggling to afford the rent during the current housing crisis in NSW. However, paying rent is a fundamental obligation of the tenancy agreement. Not paying your rent puts you…
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rain cloud

Legal help for flood-affected communities

Our thoughts go out to the people, families and communities impacted by the flooding, storms, and dangerous rainfall across the state. Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services and Community Legal…
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apartments with a for lease sign

Beyond eviction: alternative approaches to respond to NSW renting households in crisis

As we emerge from 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have the opportunity to evaluate and learn from our experiences during the health crisis and build a fairer NSW renting system that is…
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Amanda El Gazzar

Shifts in the balance of power – reflecting on 15 years of Tenant Advocacy

Amanda El Gazzar has been a Tenant Advocate at the Northern Rivers Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service for 15 years. She is now taking a well-earned break and looking at other possibilities. We…
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Riki smiling at the camera

Riki's renting story

As part of our relaunch of the Make Renting Fair campaign, we're building a new website. For the site, we're collecting a range of renting stories from various renters across NSW, to…
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when renters organise, we can win

When renters organise, we can win! The plan to fix renting in Aotearea

We’re relaunching our Make Renting Fair campaign, and we want to explore alongside our community: what can we do to build a fairer renting system? What can we learn from successes overseas about…
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit