Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services have limited availability over the holiday period. The Tenants' Union will operate a Tenancy Advice Hotline from Wednesday 18/12/2024 until Wednesday 8/1/2025 (excluding weekends and public holidays). The hours of operation are 10am-1pm and 2-5pm.

Get advice on: (02) 8117 3750 or 1800 251 101

Disability – news and analysis



Submission: Protections for Residents of Long Term Supported Group Accommodation in NSW

The Tenants' Union is pleased to respond to the NSW Government’s Issues Paper on Protections for Residents of Long Term Supported Group Accommodation in NSW. By raising a number of…
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Report: Five years of the Boarding Houses Act 2012

The New South Wales Boarding Houses Act 2012 has now been in operation for five years. To assist in the review of the Boarding Houses Act 2012 this report assesses the Act on its own merits. For…
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Tenants' Union of NSW

Tenancy rights for residents of group homes: consultation forums

The NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Ageing, Disability & Home Care is transferring the management of group homes to the non-government sector. As a result of this change,…
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Older woman sitting on a couch - report cover

Older people at risk of homelessness

'The older I get the scarier it becomes' is a new report into the risk of homelessness for older people in NSW. The report was released on 29th November 2017, during the 2017 National…
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Raymond Morris with WESTS coordinator Franya Repolusk

Sometimes you need help to get on the right track

Raymond Morris is a public housing tenant who's very active in his community – he's mentored and supported hundreds of people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Last year,…
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Home and health

Carol Carter is an Aboriginal woman living in public housing in Bankstown in Sydney. In September 2014, Carol received a letter from the Department of Housing in relation to relocating her to…
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Annette Murphy

A place of my own

"I am originally from Walgett, Northern NSW. In Walgett everyone knows me as ‘Daughter’. I would like to move back to Walgett, but my children and grandchildren are in Sydney, so I will…
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Report: Boarding Houses Education Project Evaluation

This report completes and evaluates the two-year Boarding Houses Education Project managed by the Tenants’ Union of NSW. The project commenced in April 2014 with the aim to develop and implement…
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Alison's garden

Putting down roots

In this piece, boarding house resident Alison Jolly tells her story: "The housing situation for older single women like me (I’m 61) can be difficult unless they own their own home. Many of…
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Older woman standing in front of a 'leased' sign

Seeking security

"It’s so hard to find rental accommodation that is in any way decent. I watch the papers all the time and have my name with lots of agents, but they don’t care. You should see some of the…
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Submission: Response to Fair Trading discussion paper "Statutory Review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010"

The Tenants’ Union is pleased to provide this response to NSW Fair Trading’s discussion paper for the statutory review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. This contribution forms part of our…
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Submission: Inquiry into elder abuse in NSW

In our submission to the NSW Legislative Council inquiry into elder abuse, the Tenants' Union argues that elder abuse is more than an action between two people with unequal power in a…
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