Housing News Digest
Housing News Digest
The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays.
Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations.
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Government launches review of social housing staff training to improve tenant treatment
Jack Simpson Inside Housing (Paywall)From the United Kingdom ... The government will launch a new wholesale review of training and qualifications for those working in social housing in a bid to drive up standards and ensure landlords are equipped to deal with tenant complaints. Eddie Hughes, minister for homelessness and rough sleeping, today announced the Social Housing Professionalisation Review, which will explore the qualifications currently available for staff, and consider whether any additional training is needed to improve services to residents. The review will make up a crucial part of the reforms to social housing that will be brought forward in the Social Housing Regulation Bill. The bill, which is expected in March, will bring forward many of the proposals set out in the Social Housing White Paper, published in November 2020.
# International, Public and community housing.Northern Territory introduces building legislation reforms, with 'complex' projects requiring independent approval
Melissa Mackay ABC (No paywall)Three years after nine Top End buildings were found to be structurally non-compliant, the Northern Territory government has introduced reforms to avoid a similar building bungle happening again. From January 31, designs of all projects categorised as "complex" will be required to be reviewed by an independent third party before building permits can be issued.
# Australia, Strata, Housing market, Minimum habitability standards.Tree changers push up NSW land value by $400 billion
The New Daily (No paywall)“Ski changers” and “tree changers” are being blamed for pushing the price of land in New South Wales to a record-high peak. Land in the state was valued at $2.2 trillion in the 12 months to July 2021, up from $1.8 trillion – an uptick of 24.8 per cent. The biggest growth was recorded in the Hunter Valley coast, where overall values were up 38.1 per cent. The rise in land prices was due to buyers looking for affordability and “preferred lifestyle options”, NSW Valuer General David Parker said. Also, check out the article by Sofie Wainwright and Bindi Bryce entitled: 'Land value soars in Hunter Central Coast region as property market continues to boil' at: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-19/land-values-soaring-in-regional-nsw/100767354]
# NSW, Coronavirus COVID-19, Housing market, Regional NSW.Four-bedroom house offered free, with just one catch
Elizabeth Redman Domain (No paywall)It’s the home that’s free to a good home: A four-bedroom Sydney house available for free, with one catch. Only the house itself is on offer, not the land, and the new owner must arrange to remove it and transport it somewhere else.
# NSW, Housing market.How do you make a $270,000 profit? Sell your property during lockdown
Elizabeth Redman Domain (No paywall)Property sellers who sold at a profit made paper gains of $270,000 on average last winter, as housing prices soared in spite of lockdown, new figures show.
# Australia, Housing market.Bye bye borders, hello buyers as visitors to Queensland purchase homes
Toby Crockford The Sydney Morning Herald (Paywall)Victorian and NSW residents sick of lengthy lockdowns rented Queensland accommodation in their droves, and now many have chosen to buy homes in the Sunshine State.
# Australia, Rent, Coronavirus COVID-19, Home ownership.Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki warns investors to prepare for ‘war’
Aidan Devine Daily Telegraph (No paywall)Rich Dad Poor Dad author and owner of more than 8,000 properties Robert Kiyosaki has warned an economic crash worse than the 2008 recession is coming and Australia’s negative gearing policies are a form of “Marxism”. ... “My concern is that … with negative gearing it’s monetising debt and property values are overinflated … it’s not real. It’s got to make economic sense.”
# Australia, Housing market, Landlords and agents, Tax.The town where almost every home makes a profit, but not everyone wins
Elizabeth Redman Domain (No paywall)It’s not quite a sure thing, but it’s close: Bendigo home sellers are more likely to make a profit than anywhere else in the nation, new figures show. ... Bendigo’s market has jumped amid demand from a wave of tree-changers in the pandemic, as well as ultra-low interest rates and government grants that sparked demand from local buyers. ... Drawcards include the affordable options compared to Melbourne, reasonable commuting distance for those who could largely work from home but still need to be in the capital one or two days a week, the restaurant scene and local infrastructure such as the airport, university, state government offices and hospital.
# Australia, Coronavirus COVID-19, Housing market.