Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services have limited availability over the holiday period. The Tenants' Union will operate a Tenancy Advice Hotline from Wednesday 18/12/2024 until Wednesday 8/1/2025 (excluding weekends and public holidays). The hours of operation are 10am-1pm and 2-5pm.

Get advice on: (02) 8117 3750 or 1800 251 101


Housing News Digest

The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays. 

Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations. 

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A grand housing alliance looms at last – if our new PM has the will

Michael Pascoe
The New Daily (No paywall)

In a speech this week, the RBA’s Assistant Governor (economic) Luci Ellis went to great lengths to explain what has not been normal about demand trends of late, starting with the surge in people moving out of their parents’ homes and share houses in search of space as the pandemic hit. It is an interesting speech for anyone interested in some of the more intriguing nuts and bolts of the housing market, but ... not once in 3500 words did she mention the stampeding herd of elephants in the room – the critical shortage of public housing. ... On the same day Dr Ellis delivered her speech, a NSW study showed the nationwide scarcity of social housing has meant people waiting as long as 10 years in some areas for a home. “A study by the UNSW City Futures Research Centre has revealed a 42 per cent drop in the number of households allocated social housing in the past three decades,” the SMH reported. “Meanwhile, the number of applicants with the greatest need has soared by almost 50 per cent in the three years to 2021.” The track record of state and federal governments is damning – half-heartedly semi-outsourcing public and social housing, barely maintaining existing numbers of homes while population and demand have soared and real, take-home wages have fallen. It’s another area where a change of government can change the nation. ... Opportunity is knocking for the new federal Labor government, supported by Greens and independents, to form a grand coalition with the states to seriously tackle the crisis for the first time, to agree to jointly add tens of thousands of public and social homes each year, not over several years.…

# Australia, Public and community housing, Coronavirus COVID-19, Federal Government, Housing market.

Wollongong mum, three kids move into caravan park amid rental crisis

Tareyn Varley
Illawarra Mercury (Paywall)

A 44-year-old single mum who runs her own successful business and has an impeccable rental record is now homeless after failing to find a place for herself and three kids. Heather became another victim of the Illawarra's rental crisis last week when she was forced to find emergency accommodation at a caravan park in Towradgi. ... Tyler Filippi of MMJ Wollongong real estate agency has witnessed firsthand the increasing desperation of locals as hordes of Sydneysiders, no longer chained to their office desks, continue to migrate to Wollongong.

# NSW, Rent, Homelessness, Regional NSW.

Smoking and social housing: Supporting residents, addressing inequalities

Action on Smoking and Health and the Housing Learning and Improvement Network
(No paywall)

From the United Kingdom ... This joint report by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) outlines the case for reducing rates of smoking in the social housing sector and the action needed to achieve this. The report is the product of collaboration between the public health and social housing sectors and aims to equip both sectors with the information required to progress action on smoking and improve the support available to people who smoke and live in social housing. The report also identifies Improvements that could be made at a national level which would better support local action on this important issue.

# International, Public and community housing, Health.

Rent control: principles, practicalities and international experience

Ken Gibb and Alex Marsh
(No paywall)

From the United Kingdom ... This short briefing paper provides examples of the range of contemporary international rent control or rent regulation practice as operated in the private rented sector (PRS), highlighting a small number of European examples in a little more detail. The paper considers and reflects on the evaluative criteria used to assess and appraise these policies, and reflect on what this means for the Scottish debate on an effective national rent control policy. This is a revised version of a briefing prepared at the request of the Scottish Government in January 2022, in relation to their ongoing work aimed at ‘introducing a national effective system of rent control’. Read the original full report entitled: 'Rent control: A review of the evidence base' (23 February 2022) at: [].

# International, Rent, Housing market.

PM, your plan to fix housing crisis should reach for the stars

Kate Colvin
The Sydney Morning Herald (Paywall)

Anthony Albanese’s journey from social housing to The Lodge demonstrates that a secure home is not a safety net, it’s a ladder to stability, opportunity and prosperity. The PM is right to hope his story inspires others. But we should also recognise that story is less likely today. Right now, only 4 per cent of our national housing stock is social housing, compared with 6 per cent when Anthony Albanese was a child. Many Australian families are struggling to stave off the threat of homelessness and housing stress, rather than reaching for the stars.…

# Australia, Domestic violence, Public and community housing, Rent, Affordable housing, Housing market, Women.

Down and Out by Daniel Lavelle review – a howl of fury about homelessness

Fiona Sturges
The Guardian (No paywall)

Book of the day from the United Kingdom ... Daniel Lavelle knows how the story of his homelessness might look to the casual observer. Viewed in isolation, he notes, “the circumstances that precipitated my journey to the streets seem entirely of my own making”. As well as racking up considerable rent arrears, he had been drinking heavily, lost a series of low-paid jobs and moved out of his flat voluntarily. But, as we learn in his candid yet resolutely un-self-pitying memoir, there were complicating factors, among them his ADHD (his psychiatrist said his was the most severe case he’d ever seen), long spells in foster care and children’s homes, and multiple exclusions from school. Add to that the rise of zero-hours contracts, soaring rents, and the cuts to welfare and social care implemented during the coalition government’s austerity programme, and it becomes grimly apparent how a man like Lavelle can slip through the cracks.…

# International, Homelessness.

Two-hour prefab kit from the ’50s transformed into modern home

Julie Power
The Sydney Morning Herald (Paywall)

Long before Ikea, Nissen huts were the original flat-pack. Skinned in corrugated iron, and assembled in as little as two hours as temporary housing or army barracks, they ended as permanent homes to for migrants and miners living in communities dubbed silver cities and pommy towns. ... Aged care worker Rosemary Roberts grew up in a 90-square-metre Nissen hut near Newcastle that has been extended and restored by Sydney Living Museums. It will go on the open market for sale by July. ... The newly renovated home is full of light, has an unobstructed view of the sea, and a new wing with a master bedroom suite with an ensuite and walk-in robe.…

# History NSW, Housing market.

Wollongong rental price shock: 'Am I living in Sydney?'

Tareyn Varley
Illawarra Mercury (Paywall)

Bulli renter Tahlia Roza has begun packing her belongings into boxes but she has no idea where they'll end up. The lease has expired on the little one-bedroom, $265-a-week unit in Bulli she's called home for the past two years and the owner has decided not to renew it. ... Amid a critical shortage of rental properties in the Illawarra, she's been given 30 days to vacate the premises. "It kind of feels pointless, I'm packing up my house and I'm packing up my life but I don't have a plan of where to go from here, so it's really stressful," the 34-year-old divorcee said.…

# NSW, Rent, Homelessness, Housing market, Regional NSW, Women.

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