Disasters – news and analysis


Esther at GSATS

A day in the life of Esther Smith, Tenant Advocate

Esther Smith is a Tenant Advocate at the Greater Sydney Aboriginal Tenants' Service (GSATS). In this interview she talks about her day-to-day experiences as an advocate, as well as what…
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A mother and child sitting on a couch. The mother is wearing a face mask.

Tenancy services needed now more than ever

Pamela Hunter, Community Services Manager at VERTO, writes: "Tenancy, and renting in general, became very popular subjects at the beginning of the pandemic but they seem to have slipped…
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Report: 5 years of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013

This report considers the operation of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 since commencement and sets out our key issues for reform. We also make further recommendations for other…
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Tenants' Union logo

Secure, affordable tenancies and support for tenants key to preventing homelessness

Today the Tenants' Union NSW's CEO Leo Patterson Ross and Policy and Advocacy Coordinator Jemima Mowbray attended a public hearing of the Inquiry into Homelessness in Australia to…
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Covid-19 community language factsheet

COVID-19 factsheet in 7 community languages

The Tenants' Union has published a basic factsheet in 7 community languages summarising renters rights under COVID-19 regulations. The factsheet has information on paying rent, evictions,…
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Tall apartment building with 'Our home' on the side

Tenants need to be listened to: community support – not heavy-handed policing

On the weekend over 3,000 public housing tenants in Melbourne were put into an immediate enforced lockdown by the VIC government due to a spike in COVID-19 in the area. Others in the community…
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Changes are coming

When we last published Outasite Lite at the beginning of April the COVID-19 pandemic was in its early stages and the NSW Government had just issued the first Public Health Order restricting the…
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Economic Stimulus image

Economic stimulus proposal: Healthy & affordable homes

The Tenants' Union, together with over 50 other organisations, is calling for governments to invest in energy efficiency and solar PV for low income homes to stimulate tens of thousands of…
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Submission to the United Nations: COVID-19 and the right to housing in Australia

This submission to the UN on Covid-19 and the right to housing in Australia focuses on New South Wales.
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National Association of Tenants' Organisations' Submission to Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 inquiry into the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

This submission provides background relating to the Australian housing system and private rental sector, and how this interacts with the public health imperatives and restrictions, as well as…
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Coronavirus and economic impacts graphic image. Design photo created by Freepik

Pursuing a mountain of debt: Landlords’ Insurance

This blog explores two aspects of landlords’ insurance and asks whether the practices of insurance companies will change during the COVID-19 crisis. The first is when a tenant falls into rent…
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buildings with covid shapes hovering in the sky

Further support needed for renters in NSW

The current COVID-19 health crisis has impacted everyone in our community. For many renters the challenge of losing a job and reduced household income, or other financial and health impact, has…
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