The New South Wales Boarding Houses Act 2012 has now been in operation for five years. To assist in the review of the Boarding Houses Act 2012 this report assesses the Act on its own merits. For…
If you own, live in or manage an apartment, we encourage you to make sure your building is fire safe. Material that covers external walls, also known as cladding, can increase the intensity and…
The government has changed legal requirements for strata apartments to prevent children falling from windows. By the 13th of March 2018 all strata buildings are required to have window safety…
In NSW current tenancy legislation allows landlords in the private market to end a tenancy without having to give a reason. This means renters are often scared to enforce their rights because…
Make Renting Fair is a new community campaign to end unfair evictions. Bringing together a strong coalition of local community organisations, unions, and faith based organisations, the Tenants…
Between December 2016 and January 2017, the Tenants' Union of NSW and TAASs conducted a survey of people who have lived in a sharehouse over the last five years, to gather data and insights…
Kellie and her son Elijah are tenants on the Central Coast. At their previous place the landlord failed to abide by the agreement and renting laws in a number of ways. So Kellie got advice from…
Reform to encourage long fixed-term residential tenancy agreements holds limited potential to improve security of tenure and stability for tenants. TUNSW’s concerns about long fixed-term…
Landlords and their agents must comply with certain of provisions in the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. They can be penalised for not complying, subject to investigation by NSW Fair Trading.…
Julie Foreman, Tenants' Union of NSW Executive Officer reflects on the TU's 40 years of working for tenants rights and housing justice. She introduces a compilation of stories which…
My family and I had been living in our place for three years. It wasn’t a a bad property – there’s a nice view over Budgewoi Lake (although the lake can get a bit smelly!). Then there was a…
You can use this sample letter when you are someone working with a client who needs urgent rehousing in social housing because they are experiencing domestic violence in their current…