This submission provides background relating to the Australian housing system and private rental sector, and how this interacts with the public health imperatives and restrictions, as well as…
In this submissions we focus on the insufficient protections and supports provided for people who rent their homes, particularly in the private rental market. We outline a range of policy and…
The current COVID-19 health crisis has impacted everyone in our community. For many renters the challenge of losing a job and reduced household income, or other financial and health impact, has…
This briefing provides an overview of the basic framework of the NSW Evictions Moratorium implemented through the Residential Tenancies Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020. We welcome the…
Although there is a moratorium on evictions in NSW, it won't stop all evictions for all renters. Now more than ever, it's important to share your story. If you are facing eviction and…
From Wednesday 15th April the NSW Evictions Moratorium came into effect. So there is a stop on evictions, at least for 60 days – but not on all evictions and not for all people. For more detail…
Important changes to tenancy law have come into effect as of 23 March 2020. These changes affect anyone renting a property in NSW (including people who rent both home and site in residential…
We at the Tenants' Union are shocked and saddened by the unprecedented bushfire emergency of the last months. Some of you may have lost your rental accommodation to the fires or may have…
The Tenants' Union is pleased to announce a new partnership with People with Disability Australia. We will be supporting PWDA's Disability Housing Advocacy Service, by providing legal…
Guest blogger Hayley Stone, co-ordinator of the Eastern Area Tenants' Service and volunteer with the Rural Fire Service in the Blue Mountains, gives us some general guidance on getting your…
The New South Wales Boarding Houses Act 2012 has now been in operation for six years. We consider the introduction of the Boarding Houses Act to have been a significant step, but very much a…