Nestled along the banks of the Woronora River lies Woronora Village Tourist Park, a small community that was established in 1956. In recent years, this community has been under threat due to…
Nestled along the shores of Lake Munmorah on the Central Coast of NSW lies Sunnylake Shores, an over 55s community operated by Ingenia. However, behind its picturesque facade, there is a tale of…
The NSW Government is undertaking a review of the Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2021. The Tenants’ Union has…
The Tenants' Union of NSW has dived into today's NSW budget announcements, looking for the key measures that will significantly impact renters. These are our initial thoughts, we will…
Media Release - Australia’s first People’s Commission into the Housing Crisis is set to begin today -Thursday 23 May. The Commission provides a platform convened by housing campaign Everybody’s…
On 14 May, the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading Anoulack Chanthivong MP introduced into NSW Parliament a Bill to amend the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013.
Against the backdrop of a crippling housing crisis, we are often asked about what we struggle with most, not necessarily what our renting aspirations are. Our woes are given more attention than…
For this report we surveyed 123 NSW renters, asking them about the impact of the eviction financially and emotionally. We asked about challenges they may have faced in securing alternative…
Do you have a multicultural background and have rented in NSW in the last 5 years? Help researchers understand your unique experience to get better solutions by filling out a quick survey.
New polling, undertaken by Ipsos Public Affairs for the Tenants’ Union of NSW, shows significant support from landlords for the reforms. The research also shows the community expects reforms…