Mould – news and analysis


Key and podcast wave


Listen now! Renting Bytes and Renting Matters are podcasts produced by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Legal Aid NSW. We aim to help renters and community workers understand tenancy law and…
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rain cloud

Legal help for flood-affected communities

Our thoughts go out to the people, families and communities impacted by the flooding, storms, and dangerous rainfall across the state. Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services and Community Legal…
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Amanda El Gazzar

Shifts in the balance of power – reflecting on 15 years of Tenant Advocacy

Amanda El Gazzar has been a Tenant Advocate at the Northern Rivers Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service for 15 years. She is now taking a well-earned break and looking at other possibilities. We…
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when renters organise, we can win

When renters organise, we can win! The plan to fix renting in Aotearea

We’re relaunching our Make Renting Fair campaign, and we want to explore alongside our community: what can we do to build a fairer renting system? What can we learn from successes overseas about…
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Follow up review NSW Parli Inquiry graphic

Public housing maintenance: a 'real fix' needed

Yesterday the Tenants' Union NSW's CEO Leo Patterson Ross and Policy and Advocacy Coordinator Jemima Mowbray attended a public hearing of the Follow Up Review of the Management of…
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Graphic of a family in a house, wearing masks, virus outside

No grounds for limiting reform under COVID-19

Jemima Mowbray looks at the problems renters have faced during COVID‑19, and shows that they are not new or necessarily distinct from the ongoing issues renting households were already facing.…
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Chilly house? Mouldy rooms? Here's how to improve low-income renters’ access to decent housing

People’s quality of life, their health and their comfort can suffer when living in poor-quality housing. It can also impose high ongoing costs of maintenance, repairs, heating and cooling. And…
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Submission: Federal inquiry into energy efficiency and low income rental homes

The Tenants' Union's  interest in climate change and energy costs for tenants is ongoing. We have been involved in consultative processes and programs concerning energy efficiency. We…
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Stylised text reads: Have you rented with mould? please take our survey

Mould and renting - share your experience!

Tenants often report to us their experiences with mould and other infestations and the difficulties they have getting it resolved. We are collecting stories from tenants for submissions to a…
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radiator with text overlay. text reads "How energy efficient is your public or community housing home?"

Research: Energy efficiency in NSW social housing

Researchers at UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales), the University of Wollongong, CSIRO and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage are seeking volunteer research participants to…
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David Bott

David and Goliath: One tenant’s 14-year battle for repairs

David Bott’s long-running battle in the Tribunal shone a light on a serious issue which public housing tenants know all too well: the systematic failure of FACS to do necessary repairs. After 14…
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Kellie and her son Elijah

Escaping an unsafe and insecure rental nightmare

Kellie and her son Elijah are tenants on the Central Coast. At their previous place the landlord failed to abide by the agreement and renting laws in a number of ways. So Kellie got advice from…
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit