Long-term tenant – news and analysis



The tenant who knew too much

"I wear many hats: mother, friend, student, teacher, researcher, tenant, wife, country music enthusiast… Each of these, compartmentalised, functions as a well-oiled machine. However, as…
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Report: 5 years of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010

The Residential Tenancies Act 2010 is now five years old. It has made a number of positive changes for tenants in New South Wales, but there are a number of important issues that are yet to be…
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Terence, a public housing tenant, in front of his house

Terence faced damp and mould in public housing for years

Terence is a tenant of Housing NSW. His property was riddled with damp and mould for years. This exacerbated his health problems and forced him to sleep in a recliner chair in lounge room rather…
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magnifying glass focussed on a cloud of words about renting

Research: Survey Report – Affordable housing and the NSW rental market

Early in 2014 the Tenants’ Union conducted a short online survey on Housing Affordability to gauge tenants' experiences and expectations of renting. 580 tenants responded. The most striking…
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Submission: NSW Fair Trading Review of Regulatory Burden

In this submission, the Tenants' Union is most concerned about the proposals in relation to the 1948 Act. We are strongly of the view that this Act must not be repealed. Hundreds of persons…
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