The Tenants’ Union is pleased to provide this response to NSW Fair Trading’s discussion paper for the statutory review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. This contribution forms part of our…
NSW Fair Trading is currently reviewing the Residential Tenancies Act, and has released a discussion paper to gauge community views. Renters say the law should deliver greater stability,…
In our submission to the NSW Legislative Council inquiry into elder abuse, the Tenants' Union argues that elder abuse is more than an action between two people with unequal power in a…
On March 19th 2014 the O'Farrell Government announced the proposed sale of 293 public housing properties in Millers Point and the Rocks. Now, just over 18 months later, Dr Robert Mowbray…
The Sirius Building embodies a long struggle by a group of tenants to remain in their community. A central aspect of the proposed listing is the people living in it and their role in stopping…
The Tenants’ Union submission regarding the repeal of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1899, set out the following three concerns: the repeal will add to red tape and regulatory burden; the Act has…
Most residential tenancy agreements set a maximum number of persons – including children – who may ordinarily live at the rented premises. The Tenants' Union of NSW 2014 briefing proposes…
In this briefing, the Tenants' Union recommends that Residual Current Devices (RCDs) should be required to be installed in all dwellings. This requirement should be implemented along the…
Early in 2014 the Tenants’ Union conducted a short online survey on Housing Affordability to gauge tenants' experiences and expectations of renting. 580 tenants responded. The most striking…
This submission has two purposes. First, it reviews the current state and recent history of the housing market, with particular attention to the huge inflation in house prices over the past two…
The Tenants' Union submission to the Inquiry into Social, Public and Affordable Housing has two purposes. First, it reviews the current state and recent history of the housing market, with…
In this brief submission the Tenants' Union focusses our remarks on the implications of the proposed New Planning System, and the Draft Metropolitan Strategy, for low income households in…