Campaigns and law reform – news and analysis



Submission: Law Reform Commission’s Open Justice Review – Court and tribunal information

Given the nature of the Tenants' Union's work, this submission focuses on two specific areas concerning open justice and civil matters, specifically matters relating to tenancy, social…
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Submission to the Audit Office of NSW: Responses to Homelessness

This submission focuses on the insufficient protections and supports provided for people who rent their homes. We outline a range of policy and legislative reforms to our rental housing system/s…
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Pic setting out smoke alarm requirements

Fire safety in your rented home

As we are heading back into the bushfire season in NSW we thought it would be a good time to remind us all on how to ensure our homes are bushfire prepared and general fire safety in the home.…
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Text summary of post body, showing 6 young people looking at phones

No country for young renters?

Young renters do it tough. Expensive rents, share houses, problems with flatmates, the risk of eviction, dodgy landlords, worry about bonds and outstanding repairs are just the tip of the…
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Annual Report cover with smiling people

Annual Report 2019-2020

The past year has been an extraordinary one for the Tenants’ Union, by any measure. Read about our work in our Annual Report for 2019-20.
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outasite lite cover

Outasite Lite 38 – land lease communities news

Outasite Lite 38 is winging its way across the internet to subscribers' inboxes. Articles in this issue include, "Community recognition for land lease community advocate", "…
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Pic of new housing - neighbourhoods, social housing possibly renewal

Promise of a big spend on social housing: Did the NSW budget deliver?

In early October NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet in an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald suggested social and affordable housing would be a priority in the November NSW budget. In this…
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Celebrating NAIDOC Week: Always Was, Always Will Be.

Tenant Advocates have joined in NAIDOC 2020 celebrations across NSW, in person and online. Western Aboriginal Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service participated in the Dubbo NAIDOC event.…
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Hands holding multicoloured and rainbow hearts

What could the NSW Religious Freedoms Bill mean for renters?

Last week, the Tenants’ Union signed on to a joint statement coordinated by Equality Australia opposing NSW One Nation's Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill…
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Photo of young toddler seated next to labrador dog.

Pets and strata - a win! But it's only the first step.

On Monday, 12 October 2020 the NSW Court of Appeal found that a strata by-law that places a ban on pets breaches NSW strata scheme legislation and is invalid. A blanket ban on pets, they found,…
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Graphic image, housingscape in relief with COVID19 stylised virus image in blue background.

Renting during COVID-19? Take the survey

City Futures Research Centre at UNSW wants to hear about what is has been like renting during the COVID-19 emergency? Have you tried to negotiate a reduced rent? Take the survey and go…
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graphic with buildings and covid virus shapes hovering in the sky

Report: Supporting Renters Through the Pandemic

In this report we consider NSW renters’ experience in the Private Rental Market during the COVID19 health crisis, and assess the effectiveness of the NSW Eviction Moratorium protections using…
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