No country for young renters?
Young renters do it tough. Expensive rents, share houses, problems with flatmates, the risk of eviction, dodgy landlords, worry about bonds and outstanding repairs are just the tip of the iceberg.
Many young renters don’t believe they will ever be able to afford their own homes and will be renting for life.
While renters under the age of 25 make up a significant percentage of tenants in NSW (and are living in some of the worst conditions), our research has shown they do not contact Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services for free legal advice and support at the same rate as other age groups. We want to find out how we can do better and understand which issues matter most to you.
Last day to complete the survey
Our survey of young renters has had a massive response! We’ve heard from over 300 young people who are passionate about housing issues and levelling the playing field for young renters. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond.
The cost of rental properties was the issue that mattered most to the young people we surveyed - but we'll dig more into the results and share the learnings soon.
We are excited to announce we are joining forces with Youth Action on a Roundtable Discussion of issues raised in the survey. We hope to start the process of co-designing solutions to support young renters and ensure their voices are heard.
Watch this space!