The Tenants' Union supports a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum on the Voice to Parliament. Ensuring all people have a home that nurtures their lives, including connection to community is…
Aboriginal housing activism in New South Wales has a 135 year history. This report from the Tenants’ Union of NSW documents this history from the dispossession of land and housing at the…
In November 2022 almost 100 Tenant Advocates and guests gathered on Yuin Country for our Annual Conference. The theme of the conference this year was "Standing Strong" – in reference…
The 2021-2022 financial year began with Sydney under a strict four-month lockdown to curb an outbreak of the delta coronavirus variant and finished with severe weather, flooding, and a deepening…
The Tenants’ Union is happy to announce that we have five new factsheets available in Easy Read. Easy Read is a way to present information for people with low literacy or learning disability.
These factsheets have information about your rights as a tenant in New South Wales. The information is accessible and easy to understand. The factsheets were made by the Tenants' Union and…
Listen now! Renting Bytes and Renting Matters are podcasts produced by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Legal Aid NSW. We aim to help renters and community workers understand tenancy law and…
Many renters are struggling to afford the rent during the current housing crisis in NSW. However, paying rent is a fundamental obligation of the tenancy agreement. Not paying your rent puts you…
No matter what challenges this year has thrown at us, the team at the Tenants’ Union remained focused on helping people in some of the toughest moments of their lives, many who faced the risk of…
In October 2021, around 100 Tenant Advocates from across NSW came together online for our annual Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services Conference, under the theme 'Forging Ahead'. It…