We spoke with John, a protected tenant who has been living in his home in Randwick since 1978. We asked him about his experience in a protected tenancy and the ongoing issues he has faced around…
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Ross Smith – a tireless advocate for fairness in the housing system, and member of the Tenants’ Union of NSW. Ross was always willing to say…
Paul Smyth (Tenants' Union Residential Parks Legal Officer) has been working with the residents of Hasting Point for the past five years on their court case for compensation for eviction.…
Outasite issue 2 is hot off the presses and finding its way into mailboxes in land lease communities all over NSW. This issue contains articles including: The Act: one year on; Community…
Brett Webb is an Aboriginal Tenant Advocate at the Northern Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service. In this interview he speaks about his experiences and day-to-day work.
On 27th October 2016, Sarah Drury and Mary Flowers from Northern Rivers Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service (NORTAAS) attended Casino Gateway Lifestyles Residential Community to conduct an…
The Tenants’ Union was one of the stakeholders in the consultation with the Government on the review of residential parks legislation during 2011 and 2012. A key area of difference between the…
The right of a home owner to be able to assign their site agreement to someone who purchases their home has become a key battle ground under the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 (‘…
Age restrictions in land lease communities is an issue that has been a hotly disputed for many years. Home owners sit on both sides of the fence with some deliberately selecting communities with…
In our September 2016 issue of Outasite Lite (an electronic publication sent out by email) we explored electricity charges and the laws and regulations that govern them. Since publishing the…
People may be aware that operators of land lease communities are required to provide certain details about the community to the Commissioner for Fair Trading. This information is kept in a ‘…