Housing News Digest

The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays. 

Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations. 

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The average Sydney family can borrow $65,500 less than two months ago to bid at auction

Tawar Razaghi and Melissa Heagney
Domain (No paywall)

The average Sydney family can borrow $65,500 less to buy a home than two months ago, and that is set to worsen with further interest rate rises on the way, new modelling shows. Many first-home buyers and young families are sitting on the fence as they face increasing mortgage repayments and cost of living pressures, and economists say they may have to compromise on the quality or location of their next home.


# NSW, Families, Housing market, Sydney.

Public housing development not enough to ease housing crisis in Coffs Harbour, social advocates say

Nick Parmeter
ABC (No paywall)

Coffs Harbour, like many regional NSW cities, is facing a housing crisis, so the announcement of a major redevelopment of an existing public housing estate earlier this year was welcome. However, the effectiveness of the project has been questioned amid news the project will add just nine new public housing residences, with the bulk of the homes built to be offered to private buyers. Under a rezoning proposal from local and state governments, the Argyll Street Estate, which currently has 127 public housing residences, will be transformed into a mixed-density project that will deliver almost 500 new homes. ... Tim Nott, secretary of the Coffs Harbour Greens, said the proposal did next to nothing to address the region's crippling housing shortage.


# NSW, Public and community housing, Estate renewal, Home ownership, State Government.

Census data released today confirms renters fastest growing tenure type.

Tenants' Union of NSW (No paywall)

The ABS 2021 Census data released today reveals the number of people renting their home has grown significantly over the last few years. .. Leo Patterson Ross, Tenants’ Union of NSW CEO, said: “The census data released today tells us renters make up over a third of all households in NSW. And yet people who rent their homes are still often left out of the conversation about how to fix our housing system. Governments need to listen to renters – about their experiences renting and their concerns. But also about what is needed to fix these problems.”


# Must read, TUNSW in the media NSW, Rent, Campaigns and law reform, Federal Government, Health, Housing market, State Government.

Census 2021 — Australia as 100 people

Matt Martino, Julian Fell, Ben Spraggon, and Cristen Tilley
ABC (No paywall)

The census is Australia’s biggest survey. Every five years it attempts to question every household across the country to create a big data snapshot of the nation. There’s a lot it can tell us about Australia’s 25,422,788 people. Also, this article on the ABC provides some highlights. Go to: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-06-28/highlights-from-the-census-data-that-you-might-have-missed/101189230] Check out this download hot off the press at: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/housing-census/2021. Also, check ABS's media release entitled: '2021 Census count includes Australians living on wheels and water, but most of us still firmly on land' at: [https://www.abs.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/2021-census-count-includes-australians-living-wheels-and-water-most-us-still-firmly-land] ... but no mention in this media release about renters! Check the article entitled: 'Proportion of Australian houses owned outright has fallen in past 30 years, census data shows' in 'The Guardian' at: [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jun/28/proportion-of-australian-houses-owned-outright-has-fallen-in-past-30-years-census-data-shows]. Check out this YouTube from ABC News at: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvaCWQ5OVMs&ab_channel=ABCNews%28Australia%29]. Check out the interactive map at: [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/ng-interactive/2022/jun/28/census-2021-australia-abs-data-results-online-australian-bureau-of-statistics-date-covid-19-coronavirus-suburb-town-city-demographics-map-interactive] And, Check Osman Faruqi'snopinion piece in 'The Sydney Morning Herald; at: [https://www.smh.com.au/national/census-exposes-the-forgotten-australians-20220629-p5axn7.html] He writes: 'Look at housing, for example. ... Politicians are far more likely to own property and far less likely to rent than the average Australian, which is just one example of the gulf between the people who make decisions and the rest of us who deal with the consequences.'


# Australia, Aboriginal renters, Public and community housing, Rent, Families, Health, Home ownership, Housing market, Landlords and agents, Planning and development.

Greens hail Covid Recovery Bill as ‘first step of real rent reform’

(No paywall)

The Coronavirus Recovery and Reform Bill will strengthen the rights of tenants and make it harder for landlords to evict tenants, according to the Scottish Greens. The Bill, which passed its final stage following a debate in the Scottish Parliament yesterday, will abolish mandatory grounds for eviction, such as a landlord selling a house. ... Now, all grounds for evicting tenants are discretionary meaning all evictions must be ruled as reasonable by a tribunal. Speaking ahead of the debate, Scottish Greens housing spokesperson, Ariane Burgess MSP, said: “Access to good quality housing is a fundamental right and one that underpins the health, wellbeing, happiness and life chances of people everywhere. This Bill will be a big step forward for tenants, and will provide vital protections from eviction. (Scottish Housing News)


# International, Eviction, Rent, Tribunal NCAT, Housing market, Human rights, Landlords and agents, No-grounds evictions.

The month in numbers: will the Renters’ Reform Bill stop evictions into homelessness?

Lucie Heath
Inside Housing (Paywall)

This month the government published a white paper outlining a series of much-needed reforms to the private rented sector. At the heart of the proposals is the plan to abolish Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions and scrap assured shorthold tenancies (ASTs) in favour of periodic tenancies. The plans have been welcomed by campaigners, who have been waiting eagerly for movement since former prime minister Theresa May first promised to abolish Section 21 back in 2019. Alongside giving a sense of security to England’s estimated 4.4 million privately renting households, it is hoped that the reforms will help stop evictions into homelessness. Do the reforms go far enough in this regard?


# International, Eviction, Public and community housing, Rent, Homelessness, No-grounds evictions.

Home ownership falls, mortgage stress rises in Sydney, census reveals

Matt Wade
The Sydney Morning Herald (Paywall)

The rate of home ownership in Sydney has fallen and the share of home borrowers under financial pressure has more than doubled during the past five years despite a sustained period of record low-interest rates. The 2021 census released on Tuesday showed 61.1 per cent of homes in the city were owned outright or with a mortgage, down 1.1 percentage points since 2016. That compared with a small improvement in the nationwide rate of home ownership which edged half a percentage point higher to 66 per cent. The census revealed one in every five Sydney home borrowers had repayments that exceed 30 per cent of household income, compared to about one in 12 borrowers in 2016. Those spending more than 30 per cent of household income to service a home loan are commonly defined as being in mortgage stress. ... The share of Sydney tenants under financial pressure because of their housing is even higher, with over a third of renters devoting 30 per cent or more of their income to rents. Here, you will find a number of useful interactive maps.


# NSW, Rent, Home ownership, Housing affordability, Housing market, Planning and development, Sydney.

The Insecurity of Renting in Australia

ABC (No paywall)

More Australians are seeking rental properties than there are properties available. With over one million properties empty and with rental prices rising, there is fear that home ownership will become nearly impossible for the next generation. We speak to Leo Patterson Ross- Advocacy and Research Officer at Tenants Union NSW and Michael Fotheringham - The Managing Director of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute for their take on the current housing environment in Australia and where it is heading. (ABC Nightlife)


# TUNSW in the media, Audio Australia, Repairs, No-grounds evictions.

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