Housing News Digest

The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays. 

Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations. 

Our main email newsletter, Tenant News is sent once every two months. You can subscribe or update your subscription preferences for any of our email newsletters here.

See notes about the Digest and a list of other contributors here. Many thanks to those contributors for sharing links with us.

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Key topics

Landlords told to ‘get a grip’ as almost a quarter of private rented homes do not meet standards

Andrew Woodcock
The Independent (Paywall)

Figures emerge as damning report finds ‘significant’ failings by landlord of two-year-old who died in mouldy flat

Read the government report this article is based upon here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/regulator-of-social-housing-takes-action-against-rochdale-boroughwide-housing-after-investigation-finds-widespread-failings-on-damp-and-mould


# Hot topic International, Public and community housing, Repairs, Health, Strong communities.

Becoming a chatbot: my life as a real estate AI’s human backup

Laura Preston
The Guardian (No paywall)

For one weird year, I was the human who stepped in to make sure a property chatbot didn’t blow its cover – I was a person pretending to be a computer pretending to be a person.

The recruiter was a chipper woman with a master’s degree in English. Previously she had worked as an independent bookseller. “Your experience as an English grad student is ideal for this role,” she told me. The position was at a company that made artificial intelligence for real estate. They had developed a product called Brenda, a conversational AI that could answer questions about apartment listings. Brenda had been acquired by a larger company that made software for property managers, and now thousands of properties across the country had put her to work.


# Must read International, Privacy and access, Landlords and agents.

New app aims to rebalance landlord-tenant relationship

Miriam Bell
Stuff (No paywall)

Wellingtonians Luke Nicholls and Aaron Rama first met at kindergarten, and now they have joined forces to level the playing field between tenants and landlords.

Despite often living in different cities, the two remained friends over the 25 plus years after kindergarten, but it was experiences in the rental market which led them to become business partners.


# International, Privacy and access, Repairs.

Vexatious landlord Cheryl Scott: the scion of a property empire, or a fantasist?

Ethan Te Ora
Stuff (No paywall)

Cheryl Scott is alleged to have harassed those connected to her rental properties for decades, using the courts to pursue grievances far beyond the limits of a fixed-term lease. ETHAN TE ORA investigates.


# Audio International, Repairs, Landlords and agents, Minimum habitability standards.

All new houses built after 2025 in Japan's capital Tokyo must have solar panels, local government rules

ABC (No paywall)

All new houses in Tokyo built by large-scale homebuilders after April 2025 must install solar power panels to cut household carbon emissions, according to a new mandate.
The new regulation, passed by the Japanese capital's local assembly and the first of its kind for a Japanese city, will require about 50 major builders to equip homes of up to 2,000 square metres with renewable energy power sources, mainly solar panels.


# International, Utilities electricity water gas, Climate change, Planning and development.

Social housing tenant forced to stay in home where she can't use bathroom, as sector cries out for funding

Norman Hermant and Tim Fernandez
ABC (No paywall)

Shelly Mussig moved back into her house last month. She didn't want to.

The back door is broken, the frame covered with a sheet of plywood. The house was broken into and vandalised when it was unoccupied.

She is unable to safely use the toilet, but Ms Mussig has moved her few belongings in anyway.

"I had to make the really hard decision of coming back here, even though I can't use the bathroom," she said.


# Must read NSW, Public and community housing, State Government.

Real estate agency LJ Hooker hit with data breach

Elizabeth Redman
The Sydney Morning Herald (No paywall)

The real estate industry has suffered a second data breach in two months, as LJ Hooker confirmed one of its offices had been hit.

The agency said it had notified customers of the breach as well as relevant government agencies, adding the issue was confined to one office in NSW.


# Hot topic, TUNSW in the media NSW, Privacy and access, Tenant databases.

NSW government rent bidding ban will be in place by Saturday after Sydney real estate agents exposed over ‘auction-like’ practice

Madeleine Bower, Lachlan Leeming, James O'Doherty, Noah Yim
Daily Telegraph (Paywall)

More than 80 per cent of real estate agents are encouraging "rent bidding" as Sydney faces a rental crisis that is leaving desperate would-be tenants without a home, a Daily Telegraph investigation has found.
Of more than 40 real estate agents across Sydney's east and inner west contacted by the Telegraph last week, 83 per cent either directly or indirectly encouraged prospective tenants to offer more to secure a property.

Further reporting:
The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/dec/12/nsw-move-to-ban-rental-bidding-needs-to-stop-unsolicited-offers-tenants-groups-say
News.com.au: https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/renting/state-government-bans-rental-auctions-from-saturday/news-story/21ecdf2286b381cd489d140a606b7251
ABC: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-12/nsw-to-ban-rental-bidding-by-christmas/101760236


# Hot topic, TUNSW in the media, New policy announcement NSW, Rent, Landlords and agents.

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