This comment is in addition to the Tenants' Union of NSW's preliminary comment on the Residential Tenancies and Housing Legislation (Public Housing – Antisocial Behaviour) Bill 2015.…
The NSW State Government intends to introduce a range of measures relating to crime and
antisocial behaviour in social housing, as announced in the lead-up to the 2015 NSW State Election…
The Tenants’ Union of NSW holds strong concerns about the Residential Tenancies and Housing Legislation Amendment (Public Housing – Antisocial Behaviour) Bill 2015. The bill, which will make…
Manufactured home estates (MHEs) and caravan parks (collectively called residential parks) provide long-term accommodation to around 34,000 people in NSW, according to Fair Trading. Parks have…
The Residential Tenancies Act 2010 is now five years old. It has made a number of positive changes for tenants in New South Wales, but there are a number of important issues that are yet to be…
The Tenants’ Union submission regarding the repeal of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1899, set out the following three concerns: the repeal will add to red tape and regulatory burden; the Act has…
Access arrangements for residential parks are often an area of discussion and dispute, not only between park owners and residents, but also sometimes between residents. On the one hand is the…
The NSW State Coalition Government has announced that it will, if re-elected, introduce a range of measures relating to crime and anti-social behaviour in public housing. The Tenants' Union…
The Tenants' Union welcomes the present discussion of social housing in NSW. We are convinced that the discussion must go further, and consider the social housing sector in the context of…
This submission on the draft Residential (Land Lease) Communities Regulation 2014 (NSW) is made on the Tenants' Union's own behalf, and on behalf of the network of Tenants Advice and…
Hastings Point Holiday Park has been in the process of closing for some time and a seniors living development is being built in its’ place. During 2012 the remaining approximately 30 residents…