Reform to encourage long fixed-term residential tenancy agreements holds limited potential to improve security of tenure and stability for tenants. TUNSW’s concerns about long fixed-term…
Julie Foreman, Tenants' Union of NSW Executive Officer reflects on the TU's 40 years of working for tenants rights and housing justice. She introduces a compilation of stories which…
My family and I had been living in our place for three years. It wasn’t a a bad property – there’s a nice view over Budgewoi Lake (although the lake can get a bit smelly!). Then there was a…
This report completes and evaluates the two-year Boarding Houses Education Project managed by the Tenants’ Union of NSW. The project commenced in April 2014 with the aim to develop and implement…
As a tenant you have rights under the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 and Residential Tenancies Regulation 2019. This factsheet outlines the law in NSW about starting a tenancy – including the…
The Tenants’ Union is pleased to provide this response to NSW Fair Trading’s discussion paper for the statutory review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. This contribution forms part of our…
NSW Fair Trading is currently reviewing the Residential Tenancies Act, and has released a discussion paper to gauge community views. Renters say the law should deliver greater stability,…
In our submission to the NSW Legislative Council inquiry into elder abuse, the Tenants' Union argues that elder abuse is more than an action between two people with unequal power in a…
"I wear many hats: mother, friend, student, teacher, researcher, tenant, wife, country music enthusiast… Each of these, compartmentalised, functions as a well-oiled machine. However, as…