Disasters – news and analysis



Briefing: Further supports required for renters during COVID-19 health crisis

This briefing provides an overview of the basic framework of the NSW Evictions Moratorium implemented through the Residential Tenancies Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020. We welcome the…
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Wooden cut out of house, small piles of coins placed beside the cut out.

The NSW evictions moratorium: an explainer

Yesterday (15 April) the measures announced by the NSW Government on Monday to support renters kicked into gear. This means NSW now has implemented a 6 month moratorium on evictions, but it’s…
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woman looking at a phone

Uncertainty and fear: evictions during the pandemic

"Isn’t there supposed to be a ban on evictions at the moment?"

Two weeks ago Prime Minister Scott Morrison, following a meeting of national cabinet, announced states…
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buildings with covid shapes hovering in the sky

Service NSW COVID19 Hotline

Service NSW has established a 24 hour/7 day a week hotline to support people and business operators throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with questions about support and government assistance, phone…
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Notepad with doodle of houses and text reading: Rent relief? Abatement? Reduction? Control? Freeze? What do they mean?

Rent relief language - quick explainer

There’s a lot of phrases being used at the moment to describe some kind of change to the way we’ve gotten used to renting happening in Australia. People are discussing all sorts of ways for…
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Protext our communities - no evictions in a health crisis

Protect our communities: no evictions in a health crisis

We are community coalition made up of 70 people and organisations who work with renters and research housing problems. The COVID19 epidemic is a public health crisis that will be made worse by…
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Man holding head in hands

Why housing evictions must be suspended to defend us against coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic is a double crisis affecting public health and the economy. And both aspects are playing out in our housing system – in our homes. The risk of people becoming homeless…
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Fire icon

Important info for bushfire affected tenants

We at the Tenants' Union are shocked and saddened by the unprecedented bushfire emergency of the last months. Some of you may have lost your rental accommodation to the fires or may have…
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Annual Repot cover with smiling tenants

Annual Report 2018-2019

It's been another year of great results for the Tenants' Union of NSW. Read about our work in our Annual Report for 2018-19.
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Text: Ending tenancy sample letter: Domestic violence termination notice

Ending tenancy due to domestic violence – Domestic Violence Termination Notice

Tenants in circumstances of domestic violence are able to end their tenancy by serving a Domestic Violence Termination Notice (DVTN), with relevant evidence, and vacating
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Submission: Federal inquiry into energy efficiency and low income rental homes

The Tenants' Union's  interest in climate change and energy costs for tenants is ongoing. We have been involved in consultative processes and programs concerning energy efficiency. We…
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Geoff Mansfield

A flood, repairs, and an attempted eviction

My family and I had been living in our place for three years. It wasn’t a a bad property – there’s a nice view over Budgewoi Lake (although the lake can get a bit smelly!). Then there was a…
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


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