Disasters – news and analysis


Older women standing in front of pod village

Margaret Reckless faces further challenges

The Tenants’ Union of NSW has been following and supporting Margaret Reckless' fight for her rights in the residential land lease community she has lived in for the past six years. Over…
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Houses under brown water due to floods, Lismore 2022

Research: Northern Rivers floods expose flaws in NSW housing system

As flooding impacts more NSW communities, new research from UNSW City Futures Research Centre, jointly commissioned by the Tenants' Union of NSW along with Mission Australia, St Vincent de…
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Annual Report cover with smiling tenants

Annual Report 2021-2022

The 2021-2022 financial year began with Sydney under a strict four-month lockdown to curb an outbreak of the delta coronavirus variant and finished with severe weather, flooding, and a deepening…
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Home, two feet at a door mat that reads 'home' leading in to a house

The insecurity and uncertainty of renting: 'A constant exercise in weighing up options.'

At the recent Briefing on Healthy Homes for Renters held at NSW Parliament on 13 October 2022, Sarah* shared her experience renting her home. Though a lawyer and academic researcher, Sarah…
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Group photo at briefing Healthy Homes for Renters

Healthy Homes for Renters at NSW Parliament

Yesterday the Tenants' Union of NSW alongside Better Renting and Sweltering Cities provided a briefing on Healthy Homes for Renters to a diverse, cross section of Members of the NSW…
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Outasite logo

Outasite - land lease community magazine

The Tenants' Union has just published issue 8 of Outasite – our annual printed publication for land lease communities! It has been delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW.
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Flooded land lease community

Devastating impact of the floods in the Tweed Chinderah Area

Residential land lease communities in the Northern Rivers region of NSW were severely impacted by floods in early 2022. Many land lease communities are located on low lying, flood-prone land…
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Rebecca Bryant, Advocate from VERTO South-West NSW TAAS

Rebecca Bryant works as a Tenant Advocate at VERTO, South West NSW Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service (TAAS). We asked Rebecca some questions about her experience of advising and advocating for…
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graphic with houses, flood and desert

Everyone deserves a healthy home: Climate disruption and rental homes in NSW

Climate change is not new. Scientists have been monitoring the effects of increased carbon in our atmosphere, and the reduction of greenhouse gases has been a well publicised global issue since…
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Tips: Negotiating with the landlord

This infosheet has tips to help if you need to negotiate with a landlord or real estate agent. We all negotiate at times, but it can be challenging to negotiate with a landlord. Tenants are…
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Key and podcast wave


Listen now! Renting Bytes and Renting Matters are podcasts produced by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Legal Aid NSW. We aim to help renters and community workers understand tenancy law and…
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A woman, man and child, looking stressed, surrounded by moving boxes

Vulnerable tenancies a growing issue despite COVID recovery

Many vulnerable tenants were in crisis well before the pandemic and will continue to face personal crises into the future. A crisis should not have to make the world stage before our most…
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Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


Renting Bytes podcast