Submission: The Housing and Homelessness Plan


People require not just basic shelter but a good home to live a safe, healthy and dignified life. Adequate housing provides shelter and safety, and access to basic services and utilities, such as sanitation facilities, electricity and clean water. Stable, secure housing enables stronger social connections and a sense of belonging, stable employment, and better education outcomes for households. Homes are our base from which we are connected to communities, broader society and can engage in social, cultural and economic activities. A good home is not a luxury, it is essential.

Government can play a market shaping rather than a market responsive role, but must take on a leadership role, putting in place interventions and framework for public good. A new approach for governments in relation to setting expectations for the sector is needed to ensure access to this most essential of services.

This submission provides comment on the Housing and Homelessness Plan Issues Paper in the following areas:

  • A national vision for housing and homelessness
  • Strengthening Renters' Rights
  • Early and effective intervention to address the risk of homelessness
  • Improving outcomes for renters in public and community housing
  • Delivering affordable homes
  • Delivering high quality rental homes
  • Identifying goals, objectives and targets
  • Gaps in the plan

Follow the consultation, including government summaries of submissions and responses when available here.

Date of submission: 20 October 2023