Housing News Digest
Housing News Digest
The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays.
Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations.
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Our Backyard helps Jenny Ransom, 74, find a home after being homeless and sleeping in car
Sage Swinton (No paywall)At 74-years-old, Jenny Ransom spent about nine months sleeping in her car. After suffering domestic violence, she was forced to leave her home and the dire rental market meant she couldn't secure another place to live. Ms Ransom, now 75, has thankfully since found a home of her own, but her story highlights the concerning housing and homelessness situation happening across the country, off the back of National Homelessness Week last week. While she was sleeping rough, Ms Ransom was part of the fastest growing demographic of homeless people - women aged over 55. (Newcastle Herald)
# Hot topic NSW, Domestic violence, Rent, Homelessness, Housing market, Older people, Women.City plan was Sydney’s first foray into a strategy designed for the people
Robert Freestone The Sydney Morning Herald (Paywall)Few modern plans or planners receive memorials for far-sighted visions. The modest plaque commemorating the City of Sydney Strategic Plan (CSSP) of 1971 and project director George Clarke in Selwyn Street, Paddington is thus doubly exceptional. Unveiled in 2007 by Clover Moore doing her own juggling act as lord mayor and local MP, the memorial records the four driving aspirations of the plan: environment, diversity, accessibility and management. The CSSP was officially adopted by the City Council 50 years ago this week. Departing radically from the dry legalism of statutory planning schemes, it presented an innovative and accessible vision grounded in human-centred urbanism.
# History NSW, Housing market, Local Government, Planning and development, Sydney.Why Do We Make Things So Hard for Renters?
Ron Lieber The New York Times (Paywall)From the United States ... For struggling homeowners in the pandemic’s first year, there was hope early on that these hard times would not put people with mortgages out in the street. ... Renters weren’t so lucky. Sure, there were federal and regional eviction moratoriums, but it took nearly a year for Congress to come through with actual payment assistance, and that has only trickled out so far. Plus, it came with a host of restrictions and hurdles to clear — heaped on top of a population where millions were already in a precarious financial position. We should say it out loud: When it comes to public policy, people who do not own their own homes are treated like second-class citizens.
# International, Eviction, Rent, Coronavirus COVID-19, Federal Government.Sleeping in shifts: Understanding the reality of Sydney’s homeless surge
Daniel Lo Surdo (No paywall)Leading housing experts have become increasingly concerned with the housing structures propelling homelessness patterns in the inner-city. On any given night in Australia, over 120,000 people will be separated from secure housing, shelter and safety. Closer to home, it’s estimated that there are over 250 Sydneysiders forced to journey the side streets and alleyways of the city each night, with funds for backpacker accommodation scarce and dreams of a home fleeting. But the patterns and conventions of homelessness are changing. ... [Shelter NSW CEO John Engeler] worries that the focus towards high-density residences will leave those in severely overcrowded dwellings increasingly marginalised from support. “The NSW Government does not have a very big or firm program to deliver 5, 6, 7 bedroom dwellings … and yet we know that that’s a big and growing area of worry,” Engeler said. (City Hub)
# NSW, Public and community housing, Homelessness, Housing market, Planning and development, Sydney.NSW's new short-term holiday letting laws risk more homeless, less housing amid crises: Mayor
Tara Cassidy ABC (No paywall)A New South Wales mayor says changes to short-term holiday renting legislation across New South Wales will wreak havoc for tenants and amplify the housing crisis. weed Shire Mayor Chris Cherry said that, on November 1, new laws will come into effect, allowing "every house approved as a dwelling to be used as a holiday rental". Cr Cherry said the issue would be raised as a matter of "urgency" in a Tweed Shire Council meeting on Thursday night, where she plans to call on local councillors to support her push to delay the legislation. She said the changes could see more residents left homeless and even less accommodation available across the sector. ... Cr Cherry said, like many other regions across the country, Tweed Shire's rental situation was "dire", with less than 1 per cent availability for rental homes. "Even our key workers — nurses, police, teachers, retail workers — are finding it very difficult to get homes and accommodation in this shire," she said.
# NSW, Rent, Homelessness, Housing market, Local Government, Short-term holiday letting.Insurers pursue renters for accidental property damage
Jarni Blakkarty (No paywall)When Rosa (not her real name) was locked out on her balcony in July last year, she had no idea that almost a year later an insurance company would be pursuing her for thousands of dollars in damages. Unbeknown to her, the outside door latch on her rented apartment in Melbourne was faulty and when she went out onto the balcony she found herself locked out. ... Eventually the fire brigade had to break down her door to get her out, damaging the door in the process. But the real shock came when a debt collection agency acting on behalf of Chubb Insurance (her landlord's insurance provider) told her she had to pay $3600 for the damage. ... Matthew Martin, the legal director of Westjustice's economic justice program, says the organisation has seen about 10 similar cases in the past year. "That's just through our clinic alone, which only services the western suburbs of Melbourne," he says. "I can only imagine the number of renters it would be affecting nationally, it must be huge." (Choice)
# Hot topic Australia, Repairs, Landlords and agents.Paternalistic attitudes from social landlords can add to the stigmatisation of residents
Mercy Denedo and Amanze Ejiogu Inside Housing (Paywall)The Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017, in which 72 people died, was instrumental in illuminating the stigma experienced by social housing tenants as well as the ineffective and discriminatory complaint procedures in social housing. ... Government policy and positioning has been a key influencer of public perspective. The economic policies of promoting homeownership as a tenure of choice have led to the polarisation of social housing, intensifying the spread of stigma associated with social housing in contrast. Politicians, politics and policies have all helped to drive a wedge between homeownership and social renters. Social housing providers (including local councils) and their contractors have also played their part in failing to address issues head-on and, by failing to facilitate strong tenant voices at local and national levels, to help combat the stigma. ... But to have the best chance of absolute eradication of social housing stigma in the UK, we need a collective consensus – a deliberate effort made by all stakeholders at the same time, including politicians, the media, housing providers, advocacy groups, professional and tenants’ bodies, social housing tenants and wider society. This movement would need to be triggered by a key action: the recognition of housing as a basic human right. [Read the full article]
# International, Public and community housing, Housing market, Human rights.Northern Ireland housing association becomes first to receive tenant participation accreditation
Lucie Heath Inside Housing (Paywall)Radius Housing, which manages more than 12,000 homes, has been awarded the accreditation by the charity Supporting Communities. ... The accreditation, which reflects the regulatory requirements in Northern Ireland, recognises landlords that demonstrate excellence in tenant participation and provides an in-depth assessment of its engagement practices and activities. ... John McLean, chief executive of Radius, added: “It is paramount that tenants have a meaningful say in how we prioritise and deliver our services. Right from the outset at the planning stage of new homes through handover to the creation of diverse and shared neighbourhoods, we learn so much from our tenants and welcome their input."
# International, Public and community housing, Landlords and agents.